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Использование дефисов в медицинских текстах Вопрос в бюрошном | 👁 Final Eye: блог о редактуре ИТ/медпереводов и копирайтинге/техписательстве

Использование дефисов в медицинских текстах

Вопрос в бюрошном медицинском чате:

«Коллеги, еще такой вопрос: кто-то понимает логику названий шунтов/анастомозов? Они должны писаться слитно или через дефис?

У меня в оригинале «гонадо-илиакальное и гонадо-кавальное шунтирование». Чаще пишется gonado-iliac (через дефис), но gonadocaval чаще слитно, при этом, например, aortoiliac почти всегда слитно... Еще в оригинале есть «гонадо-ренальное или гонадо-кавальное соустье», и вот у gonadorenal/gonado-renal в гугле примерно поровну вариантов написания через дефис и слитно.

Ответ из стайлгайда American Medical Association Manual of Style: Clarity. Use hyphens to avoid ambiguity. If a term could be misleading without a hyphen, hyphenate it. As with the use of commas to indicate pauses, the use of the hyphen to provide clarity may be subjective. What is clear to one person may be a source of ambiguity to another.

Под этим же углом смотреть на дефисы призывают и авторы руководства Plain English for Doctors:

Consider writing the word as a hyphenated compound

Sometimes you can make a closed compound clearer by writing it as a hyphenated compound. Consider the closed compound . Since it is six syllables long, it will lower the reading ease in any sentence where it appears. This compound joins the words, and , but you can’t find in Stedman’s Medical Dictionary.

Instead you have to look up the two parts. Adrenergic is itself a closed compound made up of Latin and Greek roots.

We can make things clearer by writing this word as a hyphenated compound, hyper- adrenergic. (Because people think of hyper- as a prefix, we would not try to write hyper adrenergic as an open compound.)

Or, consider another closed compound, . Anyone not familiar with this word might try to say, , as though it rhymed with barometer. As a result, they also might miss that it is formed from the words and . The right way to pronounce this word is, . It sounds like two words, with the stress at the beginning of each word.

We think it would be clearer to write it as . This helps close the gap between how we write and how we speak. It should be easier to read and understand.

