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Скачала для себя и, конечно, для вас руководство : How to Conduct a
Diversity & Inclusion
A step-by-step guide

The business case for D&I

Companies in the top quartile for ethnic diversity are
35% more likely to have better financial returns than
the industry medians.
A three year study of U.S. venture capital firms
released in the Harvard Business Review found that
diverse firms had IPO/acquisition success rates that
were 26.4% to 32.2% higher than those of ethnically
homogenous firms.
Another study of 1,700 companies across the world
found that diverse companies consistently deliver
higher innovation than non-diverse companies.

Оригинальная статься с обзором тоже классная, даже если вы здесь и сейчас не работаете с DEIB, все равно очень интересно почитать, как это делают коллеги по рынку. Ссылка на статью Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB): A 2022 Overview