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Последние сообщения 11

2023-05-11 23:04:04

Donald J. Trump on the U.S. and its current debt situation:

"We have to save this country, our country is dying. Our country is being destroyed by stupid people – by very stupid people."

Vivoterra – The treasure trove of knowledge | Please subscribe and share t.me/vivoterra_en
934 views20:04
2023-05-11 21:44:03


The other ones continue to let themselves be expropriated step by step.

Vivoterra – The treasure trove of knowledge | Please subscribe and share t.me/vivoterra_en
990 views18:44
2023-05-11 21:42:03

CNBC — Breaking News:

Sources say Jamie Dimon, CEO of #JPMorgan, will be ousted in late May over a lawsuit accusing the bank of profiting from the sex trafficking of "suicided" criminal/pedophile Jeffrey #Epstein.

Vivoterra – The treasure trove of knowledge | Please subscribe and share t.me/vivoterra_en
2.0K views18:42
2023-05-11 20:36:02 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Voices Opposition to Transgender Athletes in Women’s Sports

"Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said Saturday that he opposed transgender athletes competing in women’s and girls’ sports.

During an interview with CNN’s Michael Smerconish on Saturday, Kennedy was asked about males competing against females in women’s sports. The 69-year-old son of former Sen. Robert F. Kennedy announced his presidential candidacy earlier in April.

'I would, I think that I am against people participating in women’s sports who are biologically male,' Kennedy said. 'I think women have worked too hard to develop … women’s sports over the past 30 years. I watched it happen. And I don’t think that’s fair.'

With his comments, Kennedy is one of only a few Democratic officials or candidates who have publicly signaled opposition to transgender athletes from competing in women’s sports.

It comes as the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act several days ago, effectively barring educational institutions that receive federal funding from allowing male athletes to compete in women’s sports. No Democrats backed the bill, but 10 refused to cast a vote."


Vivoterra – The treasure trove of knowledge | Please subscribe and share t.me/vivoterra_en
895 views17:36
2023-05-11 19:35:58
Vivoterra – The treasure trove of knowledge | Please subscribe and share t.me/vivoterra_en
1.0K viewsedited  16:35
2023-05-11 18:27:03

Vivoterra – The treasure trove of knowledge | Please subscribe and share t.me/vivoterra_en
918 views15:27
2023-05-11 18:22:04
Vivoterra – The treasure trove of knowledge | Please subscribe and share t.me/vivoterra_en
872 views15:22
2023-05-11 18:17:04
Dear friends of Vivoterra

It is important to change into the high heart-frequency-ranges time and again.
If we stay for too long in the low fear-frequency-ranges, we lose trust and start to doubt.

Realms from which you withdraw your attention and energy, become weaker.
Realms in which you invest your attention and energy in, become stronger.

Peace be with you

Vivoterra – The treasure trove of knowledge | Please subscribe and share t.me/vivoterra_en
876 views15:17
2023-05-11 16:40:02
'They Lost Their Smiles': A Mother of Triplets' Heartbreaking Story

All three of Brenda McDowell's triplets, she attests, 'shut down' within hours of each other after receiving their routine pneumococcal vaccines — later to be diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

• Claire - "She had full-blown eye contact. She was super lovely, and she shut right down."

• Richie - "All his raspberry-blowing ... and the furniture walking ... just shut off."

• Robbie - "Robbie looked like he was hit by a bus. Robbie, from that moment on, had a stunned look on his face. If you asked or said his name, he still acted deaf and acted like he couldn't hear."

Watch Vaxxed II, the full documentary, on #CHDTV:

911 views13:40
2023-05-11 14:56:02 Downcast Prince Andrew leaves Westminster Abbey where he was sitting on same row as Harry - after the Duke was allowed to wear formal robes for Coronation despite having no role

"The Duke of York was today dressed in formal Order of the Garter robes - despite having no formal role in the Coronation. He played no part in the ceremony or procession behind the Gold State Coach that carried the newly crowned King and Queen to the Palace.

Andrew, 63, and Duke of Sussex, 38 - who sat on the same row in the Abbey - were today mere spectators to the occasion given that they are no longer working royals. But while Andrew donned Garter robes, Prince Harry appeared wearing a suit.

Prince Andrew's attire today reflected an apparent softening of the royal family's stance towards him - after he was banned by the late Queen from wearing the robes in public for her last Garter Day at Windsor Castle.

But the Duke of York appeared with a serious, downcast look on his face as he emerged from the Abbey following the service.

Andrew stepped back from royal duties after his car crash Newsnight interview and the furore over his friendship with paedophile billionaire Jeffrey Epstein."


Vivoterra – The treasure trove of knowledge | Please subscribe and share t.me/vivoterra_en
969 views11:56