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Логотип телеграм канала @understandable_russian — Russian 😉
Адрес канала: @understandable_russian
Категории: Познавательное
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 15
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I want to introduce you to our Russian culture and language.
My name is Anna Gnatyuk. I studied Russian philology at the university in Saratov.
Hello, everyone! Welcome to my channel!
Contact: @AnnaAGnatyuk

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Последние сообщения 2

2022-11-14 21:57:34 RUSSIAN ALPHABET
Letter Аа sounds as a in mark. For example, мама mother, папа father.
Letter Бб sounds as b in bank. For example, Бог God, бабушка grandmother.
Letter Вв sounds as v in voice. For example, воля volition, восемь eight.
Letter Гг sounds as g in goal. For example, город sity, гордость pride.
Letter Дд sounds as d in dog. For example, дача dacha, дочь daughter.
Letter Ее sounds as ye in yes. For example, есть eat, ель fir tree. After a consonant under stress е sounds as e in men. For example, лес forest.
Letter Ёё sounds as yo in yo-yo, after a consonant ё sounds as ea in learn. For example, полёт flight, мёд honey. It's always stressed.
Letter Жж sounds as s in pleasure. For example, женщина woman, жизнь life.
To be continued.
P.S. Is it interesting? Let me know, please.
49 viewsАнна, 18:57
2022-11-14 13:14:25 These are audio recordings of the Russian folk choir:

Video for the song of the Volga bargeman.

45 viewsАнна AnnaGnatyuk, 10:14
2022-11-13 10:44:17 Channel name was changed to «Russian »
2022-11-12 17:39:41 I couldn't stop crying when I watched Eldar Ryazanov's "Cruel Romance". It's an amazing movie! I recommend it for viewing. There are English subtitles and Russian audio.
Part one:

Part two:

Open with a browser to see English subtitles :)
46 viewsАнна, 14:39
2022-11-12 17:38:53 What is the difference between the following sentences? 1) На столе лежит книга (the book is on the table) 2) Книга лежит на столе. These sentences are not synonymous. The first sentence is the answer to the question what is on the table. And the second sentence is the answer to the question where is the book? So the word that answers the question where or what should be the last in the sentence.

I'm hoping this information could be useful
36 viewsАнна, 14:38
2022-11-12 17:37:52 Why is я (I) written with a small letter in Russian and what does the expression «Я – последняя буква алфавита» (I am the last letter of the alphabet) mean? In these cases, the language reflects that Russian culture belongs to the collectivist type: here the interests of the family and the collective are more important than the interests of the individual. The values are mutual assistance, self-sacrifice, attachment to home, modesty, respect for elders and even their reverence, respect for hierarchy. Therefore, the word «я» has a slight negative connotation, and «Вы» (you) is written with a capital letter. The letter «я» is indeed the last letter of the alphabet, but this proverb has a figurative meaning: I do not need to overestimate my importance.

By the way, do you already know the Russian alphabet?
35 viewsАнна, 14:37
2022-11-12 17:37:10 What does the expression "and don't tell" (и не говори) mean in Russian? (Please, note that the translation is literal). Surprisingly, but it means the same thing as "you can say that again". I express my agreement with your opinion with the phrase "и не говори".
33 viewsАнна, 14:37
2022-11-12 17:35:33 Why do Russians say "давай" (dav'ay) when they say goodbye? I don't know that either Just don't be surprised if you hear: "Пока, давай!" (Bye, let's!). This phrase is used only in informal speech. Men more often say goodbye to friends like this than women.

The usual use of the word "давай" (dav'ay):
Let's go to the movies = Давай пойдём в кино
Give me your gradebook = Давайте мне Вашу зачётку.
33 viewsАнна, 14:35
2022-11-12 17:33:00 "Да нет наверное!" What does it mean? Yes or no or probably? It means "probably no". "Yes" is not consent in this phrase, but an increase in denial. For example:
- Are you going to the concert tonight? (Ты пойдёшь сегодня вечером на концерт?)
- Да нет наверное, у меня сегодня много работы (I have a lot of work to do).
31 viewsАнна, 14:33