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Navigating the Road Ahead: A Guide to Preparing for What's Nex | Chad's Channel

Navigating the Road Ahead: A Guide to Preparing for What's Next

The issue with human perception of time is that we are limited to only experiencing the present moment and it takes a unique blend of intelligence, self-awareness, and practicality to plan for the future. As a result, many individuals don't focus on future planning and instead live in the moment, making short-term, often self-indulgent decisions.

However, life moves forward regardless, much like a boss level in the game Mario where the screen slowly advances to the right. Over time, your goals and desires may change and what was important to you at 20 years old may not hold the same importance at 30.

This is why a solely hedonistic lifestyle can have negative consequences down the line. The decisions you make now may seem to only impact the present, but 10 years later you could find yourself in a situation where your interests have shifted and you are stuck with the same group of friends. When faced with significant choices, it's best to consider the long-term impact and choose the option that will lead to a better life on a time-weighted scale. For example, the risk of contracting STDs from a random person at a club has far-reaching negative consequences, not worth the immediate pleasure.