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Chad's Channel

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Логотип телеграм канала @toxiicmasculinity — Chad's Channel
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Категории: Telegram
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 391
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We strongly advocate the importance of a healthy lifestyle for men.

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Последние сообщения

2023-02-17 08:45:46
Life as a millennial can be more challenging compared to that of a baby boomer, with various cultural and economic factors making it more difficult to own a house, for instance.

However, millennials have the advantage of the internet which enables them to generate a substantial income, a possibility that was not available to the previous generations and remains inaccessible to many of them even today. Rather than being preoccupied with what one lacked in the past, it is important to focus on what can be achieved with the resources available at present.
144 viewsChadian, 05:45
2023-02-13 21:49:14
Family is a source of strength, and that's why some may try to prevent you from forming close bonds with your relatives. A strong family can provide support and security, making it a formidable force that is not easily defeated.
236 viewsChadian, 18:49
2023-02-12 15:54:01 Navigating the Road Ahead: A Guide to Preparing for What's Next

The issue with human perception of time is that we are limited to only experiencing the present moment and it takes a unique blend of intelligence, self-awareness, and practicality to plan for the future. As a result, many individuals don't focus on future planning and instead live in the moment, making short-term, often self-indulgent decisions.

However, life moves forward regardless, much like a boss level in the game Mario where the screen slowly advances to the right. Over time, your goals and desires may change and what was important to you at 20 years old may not hold the same importance at 30.

This is why a solely hedonistic lifestyle can have negative consequences down the line. The decisions you make now may seem to only impact the present, but 10 years later you could find yourself in a situation where your interests have shifted and you are stuck with the same group of friends. When faced with significant choices, it's best to consider the long-term impact and choose the option that will lead to a better life on a time-weighted scale. For example, the risk of contracting STDs from a random person at a club has far-reaching negative consequences, not worth the immediate pleasure.
257 viewsChadian, 12:54
2023-02-12 14:20:06 You either take control and become a predator, or you become vulnerable and become the target of others. Don't adopt a mindset where you see yourself as a victim, or powerless in the world. Avoid internalizing this idea at all costs.
241 viewsChadian, 11:20
2023-02-10 08:51:48
Modern young girls are foolish and lacking in intelligence and the ability to think for themselves. They only care about their appearance, relationships, getting railed, and popularity. This is why men do not think highly of them.
309 viewsChadian, 05:51
2023-02-10 07:41:47
274 viewsChadian, 04:41
2023-02-06 18:17:04
Raising Testosterone — by naturally increasing its precursors

Progesterone is a building block for Testosterone and has also been successfully used to restore sperm count and fertility in men.

Progesterone is a downstream hormone of Pregnenolone, which is produced from cholesterol in the mitochondria (see diagram).

To keep things simple; when everything functions properly, cholesterol is synthesized into steroid hormones.

What to do when things don’t function properly?
After a certain age it might help to supplement with pregnenolone, progegesterone, DHEA or even testosterone directly (don’t).

But first we might want to try to raise T by raising its precursors.

As you can see in the diagram, synthesizing progesterone
essentially requires:
1. Nutrients: Cholesterol, Vitamin A and T3 (good thyroid function).
2. A functioning metabolism (meaning your cells utilize Oxygen + Glucose properly and convert them into hormones and energy).

So here’s a list of things that can source you that:
Cholesterol ➤ Eggs
Vitamin A ➤ Liver
Thyroid ➤ Thyroid & Energy
Metabolism ➤ Ray Peat index

Ofcourse each individual is in a different place.
Perhaps you lack minerals or eat too much slop or your liver is full of flukes.
Many things can impair thyroid function and metabolism thus reducing your ability to synthesize steroid hormones properly.
For all these things I refer you to Nourish & Cleanse sections in the Main Navigation menu.

There are many more components to hormone optimization.
Things as simple as Sunlight and adequate sleep but if access to these basic things has been limited for a while I think this is a good place to start.

321 viewsChadian, 15:17
2023-02-03 21:50:37
Challenge yourself and strive for excellence, as this is the only way to make progress.
1.5K viewsChadian, 18:50
2023-02-02 14:30:44
362 viewsChadian, 11:30
2023-01-28 17:26:56 True glory consists in doing what deserves to be written, in writing what deserves to be read

Unless you're looking for a career as a writer of some sort, writing for the sake of writing for an hour a day is an enormous waste of time and energy.

Reading for an hour, every single day is also a bit much, beats doom scrolling if you've got the free time but that's not always the case

Also not stated is the benefit of sunlight especially if you are white
417 viewsChadian, 14:26