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Outer Space 🚀

Логотип телеграм канала @thespace_tg — Outer Space 🚀 O
Логотип телеграм канала @thespace_tg — Outer Space 🚀
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Категории: Познавательное , Картинки и фото
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 13.59K
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The channel of a Stanford's professor about secrets of Space.
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Последние сообщения 111

2021-11-14 23:20:01
Why aren't the planets falling on the Sun?

Most of us are aware that the Sun contains 99% of the total solar system mass and everything in it revolves around the Sun.

Based on the law of universal gravitation, all bodies are attracted to each other: such as the Sun and Earth, the gravitational force is about 3.35×10^22N. And at first glance, with such a huge force, the bodies would have to come closer to each other, or rather, our planet would have to fall on the Sun.

Indeed, in general, planets do fall on the Sun all the time, but they also have their own velocity in space, directed tangentially to the curve that the planet's orbit revolves.
4.2K views20:20
2021-11-14 17:00:08
Stars can be seen from the Moon

The myth that you can't see stars from the moon was created by the fact that you never see stars in pictures taken on the satellite.

In fact, from the Moon, the stars look much brighter and can be seen much better than from Earth, as the Moon has no atmosphere to interfere with observation.
4.3K views14:00
2021-11-13 19:32:02
The Large Magellanic Cloud

It is both a guiding object for humans and the most interesting cosmic formation that attracts attention.

For many centuries it has served as the only reference point for travelers of southern latitudes. A description of these clusters reached Europe with the ships of the first circumnavigator, Fernand Magellan.
5.8K views16:32
2021-11-12 21:00:05
Brown dwarfs

You can see one of them in the video They are considered to be the coldest stars in the universe.

Their surface temperatures range from +30°C to +2000°C.
4.8K views18:00
2021-11-12 17:00:07
The remnant of the supernova SNR 0509-67.5

It erupted about 400 years ago in a nearby galaxy, the Large Magellanic Cloud, which is 160,000 light-years from our planet.

The remnant is about 23 sec. years in diameter and its envelope is expanding at a rate of 5,000 km/s.

The image was taken by the Hubble telescope.
4.9K views14:00
2021-11-11 21:00:06
Inside the nebula

Nebula comes from the Latin "nebula," which translates to "cloud". It is a dust and gas cloud that provides the ideal conditions for stellar birth or death.

These celestial curiosities are illuminated by inner or neighboring stars.
5.4K views18:00
2021-11-11 17:00:11
The asteroid 4660 Nereus to be only 3.9 million km away on December 11

This asteroid is categorized as "potentially dangerous".

The length of the celestial body measures 330 meters. In comparison, the height of the Eiffel Tower is 300.

But rest assured, Earth is not threatened
5.1K views14:00
2021-11-10 21:00:07
NASA's prototype Z2 space suit

It's not just another spacesuit, but one designed to fly to Mars. The use of a three-dimensional printer and laser scanning, by which the fitting to an individual person will be carried out, is not a fiction

NASA intends to use the latest in science and technology in Martian spacesuits
5.8K views18:00
2021-11-10 17:00:08
The closest black hole to Earth

HR 6819 is 1000 light-years away.

However, calculations show that one of the black holes may be only 65 light-years away from us. Though, if it does not have an accretion disk or a companion star, we will not even see it.
6.1K views14:00
2021-11-09 21:00:09
Not a glowing bubble, but the remnant of a dying star

This excellent image of the planetary nebula ESO 378-1 is courtesy of the ESO's Very Large Telescope in northern Chile.

The nearly 4 light-year diameter nebula is informally called the Southern Owl and is located in the Hydra Constellation.
6.0K views18:00