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Spark in me

Логотип телеграм канала @snakers4 — Spark in me S
Логотип телеграм канала @snakers4 — Spark in me
Адрес канала: @snakers4
Категории: Технологии
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 2.68K
Описание канала:

Lost like tears in rain. DS, ML, a bit of philosophy and math. No bs or ads.

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Последние сообщения 11

2022-01-19 16:49:09 High Quality Ukrainian TTS

We have published a high quality V2 Ukrainian male voice - mykyta_v2.

Key features:

- 8000, 24000, 48000 kHz - support for ultra high quality (wideband)
- Unique high quality voice with good articulation
- Same speed as V2 models
- No automatic stress support

Link - https://github.com/snakers4/silero-models#models-and-speakers

This is a first step towards a huge new release, we typically adopt new features with via tic-toc strategy.

This is mostly a beta model, much faster models are soon to come for all languages and all speakers.
369 viewsAlexander, 13:49
2022-01-17 12:55:23 3090 vs 3090 Ti
TLDR - a factory overclocked version with 450W TDP
340 viewsAlexander, edited  09:55
2022-01-14 12:16:42 Stellar No BS Articles

A ConvNet for the 2020s - https://arxiv.org/pdf/2201.03545.pdf

390 viewsAlexander, 09:16
2022-01-11 12:14:02 Trying Intel Extension for PyTorch with Silero VAD

Took a first stab on this, no major results yet:

659 viewsAlexander, 09:14
2022-01-08 09:28:17

Mostly notebook and desktop CPUs / GPUs
What is remarkable - newer integrated graphics can play modern AAA games

AMD is lagging again in the CPU department
Still waiting for a 4nm AMD releases

Also 3090 Ti ... with faster memory, but very little details

Key takeaway - maybe in close future casual gaming will be 100% covered by SOCs by all major notebook producers

Also also - there are so many GPUs on the market now, that even for a plain gaming build you need to whip up a spreadsheet to properly company all of the offers, prices, notebook variants

Also also also - from my previous experience when I was changing my laptop last time, it was almost impossible to buy a high quality build laptop with a GPU that is not overpriced, maybe that will change
396 viewsAlexander, edited  06:28
2022-01-02 16:32:32

342 viewsAlexander, 13:32
2022-01-02 12:30:43 Predictions Scorecard, 2022 January 01

On January 1st, 2018, I made predictions about self driving cars, Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, and robotics, and about progress in the space industry. Those predictions had dates attached to them for 32 years up through January 1st, 2050.

I made my predictions because at the time I saw an immense amount of hype about these three topics, and the general press and public drawing conclusions about all sorts of things they feared (e.g., truck driving jobs about to disappear, all manual labor of humans about to disappear) or desired (e.g., safe roads about to come into existence, a safe haven for humans on Mars about to start developing) being imminent. My predictions, with dates attached to them, were meant to slow down those expectations, and inject some reality into what I saw as irrational exuberance


As part of self certifying the seriousness of my predictions I promised to review them, as made on January 1st, 2018, every following January 1st for 32 years, the span of the predictions, to see how accurate they were. This is my fourth annual review and self appraisal, following those of 2019, 2020, and 2021. I am an eighth of the way there! Sometimes I throw in a new side prediction in these review notes..


Well, a part about writing for 32 yeas is bs, but so fun to read this stuff!

I remember that something like this actually happened to me. I was offered to get acquainted with "cool guys who will build self-driving cars in Russia". I responded with some criticism saying that Waymo budget is probably all Deep Learning budget of all companies in Russia combined and was ghosted in the conversation.

68 viewsAlexander, edited  09:30
2022-01-02 12:15:52 Totally forgot about those
106 viewsAlexander, 09:15
2022-01-02 12:15:25 Digest 2021-12

# Tech

WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO ARM NOW? - https://digitstodollars.com/2021/12/08/what-will-happen-to-arm-now/
CMA blocks the Facebook/Giphy merger: you can’t say they didn’t warn us - https://theplatformlaw.blog/2021/12/07/cma-blocks-the-facebook-giphy-merger-you-cant-say-they-didnt-warn-us/
A VERY EXPENSIVE GLASS OF MILK - https://digitstodollars.com/2021/12/16/a-very-expensive-glass-of-milk/
Access for all, a balanced ecosystem, and powerful tools - https://blog.youtube/news-and-events/access-all-balanced-ecosystem-and-powerful-tools/

# Blogs

One way a builder culture can fail - https://rachelbythebay.com/w/2021/12/02/build/
The Mechanical King - https://www.strangeloopcanon.com/p/the-mechanical-king
Python love letter - https://habr.com/ru/company/raiffeisenbank/blog/593047/
Walking Turtles On A Leash - https://www.strangeloopcanon.com/p/walking-turtles-on-a-leash
10 percent of all the electricity consumed in the United States has come from Russian nuclear warheads - https://www.npr.org/2013/12/11/250007526/megatons-to-megawatts-russian-warheads-fuel-u-s-power-plants
52 things I learned in 2021 - https://medium.com/fluxx-studio-notes/52-things-i-learned-in-2021-8481c4e0d409
Unravelling break and continue - https://snarky.ca/unravelling-break-and-continue/
Year in review: insane job market of 2021 - https://djinni.substack.com/p/2021-in-review
Regular Expression Matching with a Trigram Index or How Google Code Search Worked - https://swtch.com/~rsc/regexp/regexp4.html
Russian higher education fiasco - https://habr.com/ru/company/headzio/blog/596641/
The container throttling problem - https://danluu.com/cgroup-throttling/
My Path to Financial Independence as a Software Engineer - https://software.rajivprab.com/2021/12/26/my-path-to-financial-independence-as-a-software-engineer/
О русской науке замолвите слово или за что я люблю Тинькофф, часть 1 - https://habr.com/ru/post/598305/
Privilege and inequality in Silicon Valley - https://rickyyean.com/2016/01/22/privilege-and-inequality-in-silicon-valley/

# Hardware

O ZFS замолвите слово… - https://aminux.wordpress.com/2021/12/01/about-zfs-troubles/
NEW AMAZON CHIPS - https://digitstodollars.com/2021/12/07/new-amazon-chips/
WHAT ARE THEY BUILDING IN THERE? - https://digitstodollars.com/2021/12/20/what-are-they-building-in-there/

# Datasets

New Datasets to Democratize Speech Recognition Technology - https://thegradient.pub/new-datasets-to-democratize-speech-recognition-technology-2/
Voice technology for the rest of the world - https://www.seas.harvard.edu/news/2021/12/voice-technology-rest-world

112 viewsAlexander, edited  09:15