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​​UK to ban junk food advertisements online and on television | Смиты

​​UK to ban junk food advertisements online and on television during daytime

It will not be possible to advertise too fatty and sweet food in the online environment. At the same time, the manufacturer's brand itself can be advertised. The ban applies to the purchase of advertising in search engines, paid promotion on social networks and other forms of buying advertising.

Brands are allowed to maintain accounts on social networks without promoting products for a fee. On television, commercials promoting fatty and sweet foods are only allowed at night.

The Prime Minister explains his decision with concern for the health of citizens. In his opinion, obesity is one of the important causes of increased mortality from coronavirus.

The ban is expected to come into force in 2023. The UK advertising industry is expected to lose over $ 280 million a year.

I'm sure this is a new global trend. Most governments have already introduced tough measures on alcohol and cigarettes. Now junk food is next in line. You can slowly start selling Coca-Cola shares if you have them ...