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Последние сообщения 5

2022-04-17 20:31:00
The Chinese company Yahoo has announced a wrist scooter for scuba diving Subnado. It is versatile, it can be used for freediving, or attached to a surfboard. The control is carried out through a ring on the finger and a wired connection. The maximum speed is up to 1.4 m/s. One battery charge lasts for 60 minutes. The depth of the Subnado is limited to 60 m. The price starts from $299.

By the way, this is the world's smallest portable scooter for scuba diving.

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204 views17:31
2022-04-17 11:23:00
The technical art director of Gearbox studio, Ryan James Smith, created an exact simulation of a black hole on the Unreal Engine 5 engine.

To calculate the simulation, James collaborated with experts from the YouTube channel ScienceClic, who provided data and helped build a mathematically correct model of a black hole.

The whole job took a year and a half. The project sources and high-quality renderings have not yet been published.

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212 views08:23
2022-04-16 20:31:00
Tesla showed an updated version of Cybertrack at the Cyber Rodeo event, timed to coincide with the opening of the Tesla factory in Texas.

Among the innovations: side mirrors, wiper, shape adjustment of the front and rear headlights. In addition, the handles were removed from the side doors, most likely the pickup will determine the owner itself and open the doors in front of him, well, or by the control key.

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229 views17:31
2022-04-16 11:23:00
Something strange, but incredibly cool: a robosaurus.

Turns from a semi-trailer into a robot in two minutes, breathes fire and opens beer cans at once. Almost like a child's dream of the nineties!

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228 views08:23
2022-04-15 20:31:00
The Japanese manufacturer of furniture for gamers Bauhutte presented a gaming dream — a transformer gaming bed.

The slopes are adjusted using the remote control. The upper part can rise to an angle of 60 °, and the lower part — up to 35 °, the central part remains stationary. The cost for just a frame is $ 480, and for a set with a mattress they ask for $ 670. Designed for one gamer, the two of them will be cramped.

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247 views17:31
2022-04-15 19:22:42 Smart News pinned a GIF
2022-04-15 19:22:40
PACT is the world's first smart massager with full feedback

Pact Sense scans your muscles and determines their condition to create the perfect workout or recovery routine for your body.

6 muscle sensors that provide more information than any other device. The massage parameters automatically adapt to the condition of your muscles. The smooth, ergonomic handle reaches hard-to-reach places.

The mobile app reads, saves and tracks medical history based on muscle scans.

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226 viewsedited  16:22
2022-04-15 11:23:00
For the second week in Shanghai, the most severe lockdown has been going on — you can't even go out of the house to buy groceries. There are not enough couriers, but the Chinese have found them here — they use drones to transfer some elementary things.

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240 views08:23
2022-04-15 03:48:26
It looks like a real video, but no. This is the Anima 5 utility on the Unreal Engine 5 engine.

AXYZ Design company showed in the video a rendering of animated 4D models in real time. The characters have increased detail and improved facial animation. They also have realistic movements not only of the body, but also of clothes with accessories.

The behavior of people in the background is generated using AI algorithms — they react correctly to each other, bypass obstacles and move along stairs or escalators.

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277 viewsedited  00:48
2022-04-12 11:33:06
Miracle prostheses are the latest development that creates the illusion of real legs.

A set of sensors and actuators, as well as a miniature motor are built into the prosthesis. The principle of its operation is as follows: a person takes a step, then there is a fixation of movements by sensors and correction of leg movement.

Engineers have built micro-motors into the prosthetic ankle joint, so that a person's gait is no different from the movements of a person with "live" legs. While the prosthesis is at the prototyping stage.

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363 viewsedited  08:33