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Последние сообщения 4

2022-04-21 20:31:00
Sensi Guitar is a digital musical instrument with an interactive backlight and a learning mode that is equally suitable for beginners and professional musicians.

The touch guitar feels like a real one. Sensors on the neck recognize the force. The sensors on the soundboard react to the deviation and therefore feel like real strings. In addition, the sensors sense the force of the impact: the harder you hit the strings, the louder the sound.

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59 views17:31
2022-04-21 11:23:00
Very realistic feelings.

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57 views08:23
2022-04-20 20:31:15
TapID VR bracelets, created by ETH Zurich engineers, turn any surface into an interactive one.

Sensors are attached to the wrists and read the touch of fingers on any surface. The current version of TapID projects a regular keyboard and piano keys, but the developers claim that the system is also suitable for other scenarios — for example, for a sound engineer mixer or complex simulators.

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88 views17:31
2022-04-20 11:23:00
Xenobots have learned to reproduce.

Specialists from the University of Vermont in the USA found that the biorobots they created have the ability to reproduce themselves.

The world's first xenobots, created from the cells of the African frog Xenopus laevis, learned in the laboratory to form small structures, self-organize and move small "loads". Experts have noticed that when biorobots gather in groups, they can form spheres of about three thousand cells within five days. New xenobots were reproduced from the formed cells.

It is reported that the whole process takes place without any interference with the genes of living machines

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117 views08:23
2022-04-19 20:31:16
So, while we sleep, waves of cerebrospinal fluid wash over the brain, getting rid of toxins accumulated in it during the day.

Scientists suggest that violations in the mechanism of removal of toxic proteins may be related to the occurrence of degenerative diseases of the brain, leading to the loss of its cells - such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, which are accompanied by the formation of plaques in the vessels consisting of toxic proteins.

Therefore, according to their hypothesis, this mechanism is one of the main causes of sleep.

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138 views17:31
2022-04-19 11:23:00
Panasonic has developed an eco-robot that will make your home or office greener.

When creating Umoz, the developers crossed modern digital technologies with a biological component. The outer part of the eco-robot is covered with green moss, which is widespread in Japan.

Umoz lives offline, moves independently around the house or office, looking for the most optimal places for comfortable moss growth. The device operates on the basis of a software algorithm, and external data is captured by built-in humidity and light intensity sensors.

The developers claim that Umoz eco-robots can safely live at home, in the office or in public places for years: the main condition is regular watering.

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161 views08:23
2022-04-19 09:55:09
Miracle prostheses are the latest development that creates the illusion of real legs.

A set of sensors and actuators, as well as a miniature motor are built into the prosthesis. The principle of its operation is as follows: a person takes a step, then there is a fixation of movements by sensors and correction of leg movement.

Engineers have built micro-motors into the prosthetic ankle joint, so that a person's gait is no different from the movements of a person with "live" legs. While the prosthesis is at the prototyping stage.

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145 viewsedited  06:55
2022-04-18 19:10:00
Scientists have found out that mushrooms may communicate with each other in 50 human words.

To establish this fact, they conducted a series of analyses of electrical impulses — as a result, they were often grouped into chains of signals, like words. Researchers think that mushrooms exchange information about their condition, damage and food.

In order to establish such a thing, you had to eat mushrooms, or you could talk to them.

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171 views16:10
2022-04-18 17:07:15
Norwegian scientists have come up with a nutrition calculator that helps you live longer.

It tells you how much you need to eat certain foods to live longer.

If you switch to the recommended diet at 25 ± 5 years, you can get an additional 10-17 years of life. If at 60 - then eight years, and at 80 - three years.

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179 views14:07
2022-04-18 11:23:00
Robot barber. Without fades and styling, but it will certainly reduce the length of the hair.

Maybe, over time, he will learn to do more advanced things. But even the fact that the client does not cut off his ear is already good.

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186 views08:23