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Silence of Scientists

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Information about which scientists are silent🤫
Admin - @moon_aika

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Последние сообщения 6

2022-05-14 08:16:18
Marfa Lights

For more than 100 years, an interesting phenomenon has fascinated residents and tourists of the modest little town of Marfa. Called by many names, the unusual and completely incomprehensible balls of light that appear every night seem to have no source and remain a mystery to this day.

Marfa lights can be seen at night. They bounce, dance and merge with each other near Highway 67 on Mitchell Flat just east of Marfa. The descriptions say they are about the size of a basketball, different colors. Those who have seen the lights suspect paranormal phenomena such as ghosts, UFOs or fairies.

Scientific studies suggest that lights without a source may be a reflection in the atmosphere of car headlights and campfires. Nevertheless, the first lights were seen as early as 1883, long before the invention of the automobile.

Silence of Scientists
353 views05:16
2022-05-13 16:54:14
UNESCO experts have calculated that today there are about 877 million illiterate people in the world (!).

More than half of illiterate people live in South and East Asia - four out of ten cannot read.

The percentage of people who can't read in North Africa is 37%, and 38% in the Arab States.

In the Caribbean and Latin America, 12 percent of the population never went to school.

One has to wonder what percentage of people are simply "dumb" who are "supposedly" literate.

Silence of Scientists
367 views13:54
2022-05-12 18:05:52
There is a windy season on Mars, when persistent atmospheric currents form here.

Despite the low density of the Martian atmosphere, they raise so much sand and dust that from space Mars begins to look like a muddy red-brown spot.

Silence of Scientists
393 views15:05
2022-05-12 15:03:25
Do you want to know if a shark has friends?

The relationship between a clinging fish and a shark can be called mutualism, because it is not yet known how the predator benefits from this symbiosis.
There is an opinion... Read more

409 views12:03
2022-05-12 07:40:37
The windiest continent on Earth is undoubtedly Antarctica.

In its center, sustained winds blow almost constantly, reaching a fairly high speed of 50-60 km/h, and all this is combined with severe frosts to -70 °C. In such conditions, a person, even appropriately dressed, most likely will not last an hour.

Silence of Scientists
465 views04:40
2022-05-11 17:35:28
113 meters per second, i.e. 408 km/h - this is the record wind gust speed at the standard height of 10 meters recorded on April 10, 1996 on the Australian island of Barrow during Cyclone Olivia.

This record is recognized by the World Meteorological Organization.

Silence of Scientists
415 views14:35
2022-05-11 07:16:13
In Peru at an altitude of more than 4'000 m an ancient city was found

The verdict of the officials is great - this structure was built for defense. There is no water source on the rock and it is useless to grow anything - so it is a shelter. The only narrow path over the abyss leads to the fortress and out onto the flat ground in front of the structure itself. Shooting enemies on the road with nowhere to run? Nah, the experts said a separate structure on the edge of town with an opening in the center was made for defense. It makes sense: we wait for the enemy to pass on the trail, enter the city, damage it and come to a shooting distance to the very edge of the city, that's when he and ... Well, scientists are not tacticians, they can say that.

From whom was it necessary to defend the altitude of 4'300m? From birds?

Silence of Scientists
511 views04:16
2022-05-10 20:26:41
In the pyramid of Cheops the researchers found a hole at a height of 2 m, inside of which everything was covered with shells. It is unlikely that the builders used a defective block for construction. The shells may have appeared if the base of the pyramid was in the water.

Approximately 10,000 years ago, due to melting of glaciers, ocean level rose on 70 meters, which flooded, including the land of Egypt, and if so, what is the real age of the pyramids?

Silence of Scientists
442 views17:26
2022-05-10 07:00:13
The canal in the photo was created to connect the Aegean Sea with the Adriatic. According to history, it was supposedly cut by slaves on the orders of Alexander the Great. With hands and hammers.

We admire the perfect smooth cut at the bottom of the canal. It looks like a single movement of the tool and so on for 7km. On the walls - even vertical cuts. I would see how historians would try to repeat such a result with hand tools.

Silence of Scientists
476 views04:00
2022-05-09 20:32:30
Table Mountain

Mount Roraima is the most famous and also the highest Venezuelan tepui (table mountain), reaching a height of 2,810 meters.

Note on the mountain that it is not only flattened on its sides, but also on top is a flat area, as if it had been cut by a huge saw.

Silence of Scientists
468 views17:32