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As many of You are fish lovers, I'd offer more such precious r | SHA HEALTHY FOOD 🍏

As many of You are fish lovers, I'd offer more such precious recipes

Tuscan Butter Salmon

Ingredients & Cooking

Prepare wished amount of Salmon pieces, season with salt & pepper
Heat frying pan preliminary and then add some olive oil
Put salmon by the fillet side on the frying pan and cook for 6 min
Turn to the skins and cook for 2 min more
Remove salmon and put some butter into the pan, diced garlic and some cherry tomatoes Then season with more salt & pepper.
Add fresh spinach, parmesan and some cream over. While mixing everything together add some parsley & basil. Simmer for 3 min.
Add salmon to the pan and simmer for 3 min more.

Cover with a bit of lemon juice for fresh taste and DONE!

This is one of my favorites recipe! Just try and You'll add this to Your wish list!