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Логотип телеграм канала @self_testing — Self-testing S
Логотип телеграм канала @self_testing — Self-testing
Адрес канала: @self_testing
Категории: Психология , Без категории
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 7.16K
Описание канала:

Here you can take various psychological tests
For Ads: @Biret2

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Последние сообщения 13

2022-05-09 17:00:03
Find out what striking character traits you possess!

Visual psychological tests have been specially designed so that people can learn something new about themselves or simply look at them from the outside.

After all, we often have no idea what character traits we possess and which ones are the leading ones. Today you can look at your personality from a different angle!

All you have to do is look at the images of the bikes available. Which one do you like best?

When a person is aware of its most striking qualities, he can rely on them in any sphere of life.

It is character traits that will support your potential. All you have to do is pay attention to your self-development.
2.1K views14:00
2022-05-09 16:00:11
Holography is a method of recording information based on wave interference.

Optical holography is a type of holography in which the light field created by optical radiation is recorded.
2.0K views13:00
2022-05-08 17:00:02
The first thing you see will reveal what kind of soul you have

Maybe your soul is a canvas covered in light, colour, beauty and wonder.

Or is your soul as pure and gentle as the snow on the mountain peaks?

Or maybe your soul is full of love and compassion and has learned to be patient?

To find out, look at the picture, what was the first thing you saw?
2.2K views14:00
2022-05-07 20:00:20
Here's another view of Rube Goldberg's Machine. This time it's invisible
2.3K views17:00
2022-05-07 17:00:03
Test your concentration, attention and perseverance.

You may ask why perseverance? Because there are a lot of small details in the picture and it won't be so easy to find all 15 differences. Some may even want to give up this idea.

But don't give up so easily, the taste of victory is very sweet! The realization that you were able to find everything will raise your self-esteem and motivate you to new achievements and successes!

Find 15 differences in two pictures.

you can't find everything, then there's nothing wrong with that, you just need to train your brain more often and everything will work out.

The correct answer is here
2.4K views14:00
2022-05-06 17:00:02
Quick test: Choose harmony and find out what you need to be happy

Some people see their happiness in their career, others lack love for complete happiness.

What is your happiness?

Choose the picture which you see as representing harmony and read the main component of your happiness.
2.6K views14:00
2022-05-05 17:00:04
The test: the first thing you see will tell you what kind of person you really are

Maybe you're an active person who doesn't tolerate idleness and boredom.
Or maybe you're flexible to a degree when necessary and adapt easily to changing circumstances.
Or maybe, in any case and under any circumstances, you believe in the good, that everything is for the best and, most importantly, that the best is ahead of you.

Do you want to know something new about yourself?

Take a look at the picture.
What is the first thing that catches your eye?
1.0K views14:00
2022-05-04 17:00:03
Psychological test: the first thing you see in the picture will tell you what scares you in life

It's scientifically proven that associative tests are best at identifying personality criteria.

Take a quick look at the picture above and pick out the first thing that catches your eye. Read the interpretation.
754 views14:00
2022-05-04 13:00:17
Goldberg Machine, by definition, is a device that performs a simple action in a complex way.
The beauty of the Goldberg Machine is the 'beauty of the process'.
591 views10:00
2022-05-04 12:02:22
Hey bro, there is a very cool channel for you!
Here you will see something that will turn your view of the world!

Here for you
736 views09:02