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Hey, just want to say that I do understand your frunstration, | Remote Ever After

Hey, just want to say that I do understand your frunstration, guys when you complain about job postings not having clarity for the company’s hiring policies. I agree that most of the job posting s are vague in terms of location and are a lottery.

It takes forever to figure out it a company is hiring remotely or not. Sometimes I explore all my resources and I can’t figure it out at all. As a result some potential awesome job opportunities are left out. But you never know if they were actually open for international applicants or now until you actually tried submitting your application.

I see this problem a lot in companies that using Greenhouse services to manage their job listings. Today I couldn’t stand it anymore. I found prettry cool job postings by Techstars but I couldn’t find any proof for if they are hiring outsite their office locations. So I complained in Twitter about it. Let’s see if they respond. I also tagged Techstars. https://twitter.com/dinakazakevich/status/1470662572152086528?s=20