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Hello, folks! I’d like to start sharing useful things with y | Remote Ever After

Hello, folks!

I’d like to start sharing useful things with you beyond reposting job openings. Things that I consider insightful and beneficial for my professional growth.

LINK HERE! Today I wanna share the Technical Writing 1 & 2 courses by Google. They are free and available online for anyone to take online. I'm gonna skim through their materials.

They can help you become better at technical writing skills whether you are an engineer or non-tech professional. You can even use it as a self-study guide to learn technical writing on your own. By the way, my first remote job was Technical Writer and it might be a good segue into the IT industry non-coders.

As for job opportunities creating and maintaining technical documentation can be a standalone job paying anywhere between 12K-120K USD annually as well as knowing technical writing can help me achieve more and faster in other roles.

Roles like Customer Support, Content Marketers, Developer Educators, Account Managers, Operations Managers — all rely on technical writing as their core skill. Below you will find some examples of technical writing jobs that are also remote.

Looking for your support here as I’m trying something new! Let me know in the comment below if you’d like to see more of this kind of tips.

Technical Writer for Oso

Technical Writer for Gitlab

Technical Writer for Aiven

Middle Technical Writer for Affise

Technical Content Writer for Canva (Australia)

Technical Writer for 1Password (US and Canada)