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Hi there! Found this Tech Careers Report 2021 for Portugal by | Remote Ever After

Hi there! Found this Tech Careers Report 2021 for Portugal by Landing.Jobs and thought y’all might find it insightful. I found the stats pretty similar to what we see in Russia especially about abroad jobs, women, and wage rates in the capital area.

Reports highlights

- Tech professional change jobs in average between every 1,5 years
to 2,3 years.

- Working for companies outside Portugal is growing, currently
with 22% of the tech workforce in this situation (more than 50%
for Contractors).

- JavaScript is king amongst tech languages, used by the majority
of tech professionals - sharing the podium is also Java, and C#.
- The average gross annual salary for tech professionals in Portugal is 32.500€ (48.000€ for Contractors).

- Residents in Lisbon Metropolitan Area earn more 18,4% salary than
the national average.

- Women have salaries 16% lower than Men (was 23% lower last year).

- Working for an international company means 35,8% more wage than working for a company in Portugal.
