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3 tips on how to find common ground with people: 1. Speak to | Reception Psychologist

3 tips on how to find common ground with people:

Speak to the point

Before you start talking, think about what you want to say and say it in a calm voice. Try not to say too much as it is easy to say too much.

2. Respect others and yourself

If the person doesn't want to communicate with you, respect his right to do so. If the person wants to tell you what's going on and you don't mind, it will bring you closer. If you don't want to or can't be a pillow for tears or gossip, gently explain this to the person.

3. Share the positivity

People gravitate to those who have a positive attitude, who know how to enjoy life and share their mood with others.
Everyone has problems but we all have different attitudes to them. Try to go through life easily and people will sympathise with you.