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Последние сообщения 12

2021-11-25 14:14:26
WHY does the British Queen lack of a passport?

Even though the Queen does not have a passport, she is free to travel around the world.

Since UK passports are issued in Her Majesty's name, the Queen does not need one. All other members of the royal family have passports.

Also, the Queen is the only person in Great Britain who is allowed to drive a car without a license.
14 views11:14
2021-11-24 17:14:12
VP Harris' Niece Meena Wants Parents to Focus on Anti-Racism, Says ‘White Supremacists’ Founded US

Earlier, the New York Times Magazine published a long article on the history of racial inequality. Also known as “project 1619,” the work has received strong criticism from some Republicans, who saw it as an attempt to rewrite history and provoke racial conflict.

Kamala Harris' niece Meena in her article for the Washington Post, published on Tuesday, explained how parents can teach their kids that the United States was founded by “white supremacists” as American schools increasingly resist adopting a broad implementation of Critical Racial Theory (CRT).

The issue of adding CRT to school curriculums has faced strong resistance, both from school personnel and parents, who believe that the theory revises US history to present it in an extremely negative light.

Meanwhile, most elite K-12 private US schools have adopted antiracism training, including CRT, according to a recent study.
9 views14:14
2021-11-24 15:12:57
WHY do scorpions have blue blood?

The fact is that the blood of scorpions does not contain hemoglobin, but hemocyanin, its analog. If hemoglobin is an iron-containing substance, then hemocyanin consists of copper.

When in contact with air, this element turns blue and, giving oxygen to tissues, loses its color.
9 views12:12
2021-11-23 12:51:15
WHY does stress cause a lump in the throat?

This tells us that the body's autonomic nervous system (ANS) is struggling with the stressful situation. This system is independent of the human will and functions autonomously.

When we're nervous, the ANS tries to oxygenate the body as much as possible. To do this, it forces us to breathe faster and expands a part of our throat called the vocal cleft so that air gets through faster.

The feeling of muscular resistance to closing the throat when we try to swallow is the "lump in the throat".
13 views09:51
2021-11-22 11:04:51
For Rent $1,900/mo
101 59 125th St, Queens, NY 11419 South Richmond Hill, NY Broker Fee under Renovations Good Credit and income required (76k) This unit has 2 queen size bedrooms ideal or king 10x9 that offer closet space. Gas included NOT electric separate to be paid by tenants Fees are 1 month Broker.(3x) 1 month rent 1 month deposit Apartment is located on the first floor Near - P.S 124 -Home depot - bus and along with varies shops
1 view08:04
2021-11-22 06:25:54
3 views03:25
2021-11-22 06:22:06
WHY are the "black boxes" in airplanes actually red or orange?

A "black box" is a device installed in an airplane to record information about the technical condition of all devices, as well as the actions and conversations of the crew.

Actually, it is not a box, but rather a ball or cylinder. And its color is not black, but red or orange, to make it easier to find in case of an accident.
4 views03:22
2021-11-20 21:15:15
WHY does the human brain react to emoticons the same way as real smiles?

Scientists in Australia have found out that there is no innate response to emoticons that children are born with. Before the advent of smiley faces, the brain had no reason to respond to such a combination of signs ":-)" as a smile.

Yet, since some time, the brain has "gotten used" to the fact that this combination of symbols represents a face, and now responds to it. Thus, it is a completely culturally conditioned response.

8 views18:15
2021-11-20 21:14:23
Only 39% of Americans Approve of Biden’s Handling of Economy – Poll

А new ABC News/Washington Post survey published on Sunday reveals that the approval for US President Joe Biden’s handling of the economy stands at 39 percent.

Overall, 70 percent of Americans say the economy is in bad shape, while 55 percent disapprove of Biden’s economic performance.

The ABC News/Washington Post poll was conducted on November 7-10 among 1,001 adults.

A Monmouth University poll revealed on Wednesday that Biden’s job performance rating was at 42 percent approve and 50 percent disapprove.
8 views18:14
2021-11-19 17:09:43
US Court of Appeals Judge Rejects White House Motion to Reinstate Vaccination Mandate

Last week, a New Orleans court suspended the implementation of US President Joe Biden's executive order directing all business with over 100 employees to vaccinate all by 4 January, 2022.

Panel Judge Kurt D. Engelhardt noted that the mandate had affected swathes of the population and had potential negative effects on the US economy and business.
The judge pointed that businesses faced risks of significant fines for failure to comply and that Biden's order threatened to, in his words, "decimate their workforces and business prospects".

It possibly referred to already emerging protests and strikes by workers at some companies, particularly among those who refuse to be vaccinated. They first emerged after Biden implemented the first part of the mandate that affected federal workers and contractors, some of whom resigned or were suspended, because they refused to be vaccinated.
13 views14:09