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If you pay attention you’ll notice the average citizen of Libe | Blair Cottrell

If you pay attention you’ll notice the average citizen of Liberal Democracy is not a fully conscious creature.

The mindset of average people out there is only their interests, their business, their destination and what they want to say matters. Other people in the community only exist as a hindrance or to provide them with any desired services or validation.

They’ll talk over the top of you in conversation, walk directly into you, stand in your path and tailgate you without pausing to consider how obnoxious all of this is, because to them you are just a faceless aberration in the way of their next consumption.

You’re in the way of their dopamine.

Terrible spacial awareness is a core feature of their daily function which I think correlates with their inability to recognise and benefit from new information.

These are worms of consumption with very little intuitive sense; a cattle bred to graze.

And they are somehow noticeably worse after having had their Safe & Effective vaccine injections.
I can only speculate as to why but they are definitely, markedly duller than they were before being pumped full of whatever was in those concoctions.

The pills they’re all taking for their manic depressive super saiyan anxiety disorders are just another contribution to the bluntening of their minds.

But there are still gems amongst the dirt clods.
Look for those odd balls who actually notice your presence, make space to accommodate you in public places and listen to what you’re saying when you speak.