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Логотип телеграм канала @pushlegal — Push Legal English
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Учи юридический английский с помощью пуш-уведомлений
По всем вопросам: @chessman_mich

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2021-01-29 08:00:05
293 views05:00
2021-01-28 12:00:06 If you want to buy a house…
Ask the seller some questions

3. How much does the seller have left on their mortgage?
Like the seller’s motivation for selling the house, understanding their mortgage balance can help you understand the seller’s mindset. If they still have a large balance left, they might be more likely to sell quickly for financial reasons. If it’s low, they might be willing to wait things out for a better offer since they can likely afford to continue making payments.

Mortgage -|ˈmɔːrɡɪdʒ| -  a conditional conveyance of property as security for the repayment of a loan.

Ипотека, заклад, закладная, заем, закладывать, ручаться

chattel mortgage — продажа-залог движимого имущества
to give a mortgage — выдавать закладную
to hold / receive / take out a mortgage on smth. — получить закладную на что-л.
conventional mortgage — условная закладная
second mortgage — вторая закладная
to pay off a mortgage — выкупать закладную
non-traditional mortgage investors — нетрадиционные инвесторы
mortgage borrower — заемщик по ипотеке
to refinance the mortgage at lower interest rate — рефинансировать ипотечный кредит под более низкий процент
blanket mortgage — общий залог (залог, состоящий из нескольких (не менее двух) единиц недвижимости)

Продолжение завтра.
315 views09:00
2021-01-28 12:00:06
298 views09:00
2021-01-27 08:00:06
If you want to buy a house…

Ask the seller some questions

The seller

If you’re working with a real estate agent, you may not need to interact with the property’s seller, but there are some instances in which you may end up communicating with them directly. These instances can range from negotiating a price to asking about the property’s condition, getting a feel for the neighborhood, and so on. Remember to request a seller’s disclosure, which is a legally obligated document that lists any problems that the seller is aware of with the property.

Interact — |ˌɪntərˈækt| — взаимодействовать; воздействовать, влиять друг на друга

Interact — |ˌɪntərˈækt| — act together or towards others or with others

Продолжение завтра.
325 views05:00
2021-01-26 12:00:07
If you want to buy a house…
Ask the seller some questions

How much is the…

2. How much did they pay for the house?

While the last sale price might be wildly different from the current value of the home, it’s still helpful as a starting point, even if it’s been several years since the last sale.
From there, take into account other factors like appreciation, the current market, and any renovations done to the house since they bought it.

Renovation — |ˌrenəˈveɪʃn| — ремонт, обновление, реконструкция, восстановление, освежение

Продолжение завтра.
337 views09:00
2021-01-25 08:00:13
If you want to buy a house…
Ask the seller some questions

1. Why is the seller selling the house?
This one’s a pretty obvious first question. In fact, you’ve probably already asked the seller yourself before deciding to make an offer. But it’s not just a talking point. Finding out why a seller is selling can be crucial info that can help you understand their mindset and timeline — and therefore, the amount of wiggle room you have to stray from their asking price.

crucial — |ˈkruːʃl| — решающий, ключевой, критический
info — |ˈɪnfəʊ| — информация, сообщения, осведомленность, жалоба, обвинение, знания, сведения

Продолжение завтра.
346 views05:00