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(также справедливо, что) > Of course Microsoft is going to sa | on product

(также справедливо, что)

> Of course Microsoft is going to say these kinds of things right now, because it doesn’t have much to lose — the company’s Windows app store has practically been a punchline for years, and Microsoft needs all the apps it can get. (...) And where Microsoft does have something to lose — PC gaming revenue — it’s conspicuously decided not to offer that 100 percent revshare option. [1]

> It’s fair to call this critique opportunistic. After all, Microsoft itself tried to build an app store ecosystem for Windows that utterly failed to match the level of success we’ve seen for the iPhone (or Android, for that matter). (...) But just because a critique is opportunistic doesn’t mean it’s not correct. (...) [And it helps that] Microsoft’s business model has nothing to do with selling Windows or even getting a cut of app sales anymore. It’s about Microsoft 365, Azure, and enterprise services. [2]