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> Windows doesn’t live in isolation. Windows lives in a world | on product

> Windows doesn’t live in isolation. Windows lives in a world where there is a lot of cloud computing. (...) Anything that is a client operating system ultimately does rendezvous with cloud computing. In that sense, technically and business-model-wise and usage and experience-wise, it’s the cloud and the edge [that are the most important layer for us.]

> In the pandemic, (...) I found myself [saying], “Oh my God, not only do I need a home office. I have all my girls home and they need all their own independent PCs.” (...) Larger screens on which Windows runs are super important, because not all tasks can be done on a mobile device. (...) I want to celebrate [improvements to Windows Update] as much as any feature because it’s important. (...) [Our users] tell me [that] in my inbox loud and clear every day.

> If something bigger than the platform can’t be born, then it’s not a platform. The web, it grew up on Windows. (...) The other two ecosystems that are at scale (...) have conflated — at least in my mind — the platform and the aggregation layer with one set of rules. (...) I want to make our own set of design and business model choices so that creators find more choice. That’s competition.

> We want to be a platform for platform creators, not just a platform for other people’s apps. (...) We’ll have a store. We’ll have our own defaults. We will curate stuff. But if somebody else can come in and create lots of value on our platform and use it as the base infrastructure, [at the] OS level, so be it — including the store. (...) Slack, or Zoom, or anything else — [they] can be first class.

> I hope that more developers even look at Amazon Appstore as a way to go reach more users. (...) I would hope that even Google will take a look at it, right? (...) The world has not seen that — other than perhaps on Windows, where you have Steam and now you have Epic. You have our store. There are multiple marketplaces and there should be competition in marketplaces.

> I look at Intel innovating, Qualcomm innovating, AMB innovating, and Nvidia innovating, and say, “I want to do a great job of bringing all that innovation to life through Windows, and then surfacing it to developers.” You bring your UWP, you bring your PWA, you bring your Android app, use Windows to light up on that silicon innovation. That’s the opportunity I see. And our OEMs at Dell and HP and Lenovo are excited about that.
