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Feminism in the Kalush Orchestra music video “Stefania” The v | NIHILIST.LI

Feminism in the Kalush Orchestra music video “Stefania”

The video was filmed in the cities the Russian “liberators” had destroyed: Bucha, Irpin, Hostomel, and Borodianka. Some viewers, mainly Russians expressing anti-war sentiments, argue that “cheerful rapping” and dancing are inappropriate in a story about tragic events. This is likely the difference between the Russian and Ukrainian cultures of thinking. The street dance in “Stefania” does not look like dancing on anyone’s grave; it is rather the Ukrainian vitality regrowing out of the ruins. The Ukrainians are happy to have withstood, to have kicked the invaders out of a few more cities. Compare this with how the typical Russians remain gloomy under any circumstances and drag their gloom into every corner. Notice the anguish in their brand new court poetry glorifying the “special operation”; the authors seem to be foreshadowing something bad, understanding that they have chosen the wrong direction.
