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Последние сообщения 2

2022-06-27 20:00:01
A large imperial crown ordered by Catherine the Great for her coronation in 1762 to a court jeweler and used for the coronation of all the members of the Romanov dynasty who subsequently ascended the throne. Crowning the crown is a cross and a colossal dark-red spinel weighing about 398.72 carats, which was purchased in Peking in 1676.

The crown weighed 2.3 kilograms. The precious stones were taken from the royal treasury and 6 kilos of silver and 0.5 kilos of gold were also purchased.

298 views17:00
2022-06-27 11:00:01
Silbury Hill

Silbury Hill
is an anomalous place, the highest artificial mound in England, hiding an ancient stepped pyramid underneath. Its height exceeds 45 meters, the diameter of the base - more than 180 meters. It is assumed that Silbury Hill was built in the middle of the III millennium BC (the beginning of the construction of the mound dates back to about 2750 BC).

273 views08:00
2022-06-26 21:00:01
Dayton Rock

One of the most unusual finds in the United States has attracted the attention of the curious since the 17th century. Dayton Rock, once found in the Taunton River, is a 40-ton boulder engraved with mysterious writings that are unlike any language that exists or has existed on Earth.

Scientists ascribed these mysterious writings to various people. Some claimed they had been engraved by Vikings, others were sure the petroglyphs were of Phoenician origin and recently a version was put forth that the signs were created by a Chinese expedition. Of course, the origin of the inscriptions eventually failed to be established.

279 views18:00
2022-06-26 11:00:01
An ancient artifact 3,500 years old, the details of which can only be seen under a microscope!

This artifact, showing a battle scene in which he defeats his enemy, is incredibly detailed, and its size is only 3.5 centimeters. And the detailing is done at such a high level that you can see the hair and rippled muscles of the semi-naked fighters. This find was made back in 2015 in Pylos, modern-day Greece. The burial dates back to 3,500 years ago. Such elaboration on the images became actively used in ancient Greek art only a thousand years later.

The main feature is the size of these details. They are so small, so to see them would have to look at the artifact through a microscope. Therefore, how they were able to perform such a work of art in ancient times without the use of high-tech equipment is a big mystery.

295 views08:00
2022-06-24 21:00:01
The 1879 exhibition featured hairy people.

The drawing shows a composition of hairy peasants. Who were they and when did they exist?

Interestingly, at some point the story of the hair-covered Mary Magdalene spread across Europe, and this is what came of it.

According to the legend, Mary Magdalene gave up all earthly goods completely after Jesus' death. She stopped washing and changing her clothes and eventually her clothes were completely worn out and torn.
The miracle that saved Mary from wandering the world naked was the hair that grew all over her body. After that, for the rest of her life, Mary walked around naked and hairy.

334 views18:00
2022-06-24 11:00:01
The Roman Pantheon.

History tells us that the Roman Pantheon was built on the site of a pagan temple burned down by lightning in 126 AD.
From the beginning of construction until Christianity, the Pantheon was dedicated to the seven major Roman gods - Jupiter, Venus, Neptune, Mars, Mercury, Pluto and Saturn.
In 609 the pagan temple was consecrated as the Christian Church of St Mary and the Martyrs.

After this, references to the Pantheon in history cease for almost 900 years.
As with all buildings of a similar construction, no blueprints, technology or tools have survived to explain its origins in those distant times.

The Pantheon Dome is still a mystery to architects, being the largest unsupported structure of its kind in the world.

334 views08:00
2022-06-22 21:00:01
Books made of leaden pages, sewn together with metal rings. They are about 2,000 years old. They were discovered in 2008 in Jordan. The ancient set of pages contains the first mentions of Jesus Christ, as well as the apostles James, Peter, and John.

336 views18:00
2022-06-22 11:00:01
Pyramid of Chephren

The height of this structure is 136.5 meters. Its structure is relatively simple with two entrances located on the northern side and two chambers. The pyramid of Chephren was erected from stone blocks of different sizes, and lined with slabs of white limestone. The top of the pharaoh's tomb is lined with beautiful yellow limestone.

343 views08:00
2022-06-20 20:00:01
Da Vinci's Invention

A Cryptex is a cylinder consisting of rotating disks of letters. By arranging the letters in a certain order, the Cryptex could be opened and a secret message could be retrieved from the center of the cylinder. If an attempt was made to crack the "cryptex", a flask of vinegar inside would break and the acid would destroy the paper. The cryptex was recreated for the movie The Da Vinci Code according to Leonardo Da Vinci's drawings.

377 views17:00
2022-06-20 11:00:01
Unique sundial

An unusual version of this device was found in 2017 during excavations of the Interamn Lirenas, an ancient Roman city southeast of Rome. The artifact was found in the city's amphitheater. The dimensions of the mostly intact clock were 54 x 35 x 25 cm. They were engraved with 11 lines indicating the hours and three intersecting curves predicting the winter and summer solstices, as well as the equinoxes.

There are only 100 of these surviving clocks, but these are the only ones with inscriptions. The sundial (or more accurately, the carvings on it) tell a political aspect of the city's history. The clock was commissioned by a certain Marcus Novius Tubula. Archaeologists find it particularly surprising that the sundial has survived for 2,000 years.

331 views08:00