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Последние сообщения 51

2022-04-25 16:20:54
Ubuntu 22.10 Codename is ‘Kinetic Kudu’

The codename of the next Ubuntu version has been revealed. Ubuntu 22.10 is the “Kinetic Kudu” — a kingly combination with which to crown the next short-term release of this colossally popular desktop Linux distro. But what does it mean? Kinetic is a kooky choice. The word itself means “relating to or resulting from motion”. For the first stable release after an LTS that’s a rather fitting adjective. Ubuntu desktop has some real gas in its tank again and will be looking to push the envelope with new technologies and fresh approaches in subsequent releases. As for a Kudu? Well […]

Read: Ubuntu 22.10 Codename is ‘Kinetic Kudu’
372 views13:20
2022-04-25 16:11:02 Дрю ДеВолт представил язык системного программирования Hare

Дрю ДеВолт (Drew DeVault), автор пользовательского окружения Sway, почтового клиента Aerc и платформы совместной разработки SourceHut.

Читать: https://www.opennet.ru/opennews/art.shtml?num=57081
363 views13:11
2022-04-25 16:00:42
NFTs should be green, too

Read: https://www.linuxfoundation.org/blog/nfts-should-be-green-too/
360 views13:00
2022-04-25 14:40:51
Embedded Linux project: Yocto or Ubuntu Core? [Part II]

Read: https://ubuntu.com//blog/embedded-linux-project-ii
389 views11:40
2022-04-25 13:52:37 Выпуск libgnunetchat 0.1.0, библиотеки для создания децентрализованных чатов

Разработчики фреймворка GNUnet, предназначенного для построения защищённых децентрализованных P2P-сетей, не имеющих единой точки отказа и способных гарантировать неприкосновенность частной информации пользователей, представил первый выпуск библиотеки libgnunetchat 0.1.0. Библиотека позволяет упростить использование технологий GNUnet и сервиса GNUnet Messenger для создания защищённых приложений для чата.

Читать: https://www.opennet.ru/opennews/art.shtml?num=57080
395 views10:52
2022-04-25 13:12:48
Linux: Systemd Service management 1

Understanding the need for systemd
Hello Open source geeks, this is my first series in Linux and i will focus on development of services in linux using systemd. Lets get started
Linux init system history
Init is short for initialization, the init sys...

Read: https://backendpapa.hashnode.dev/linux-systemd-1
402 views10:12
2022-04-25 13:11:25
Digital transformation and use cases in logistics

Read: https://ubuntu.com//blog/digital-transformation-use-cases-logistics
401 views10:11
2022-04-24 19:09:53
Ubuntu Brings Back Its Iconic Developer Summit

Ubuntu is reviving an in-person event at which developers and distro enthusiasts can get together to plan, hack on, and find ways to help improve the project. The new “Ubuntu Summit” is going to be held this autumn in an as-yet unannounced location. Canonical is heavily investing in its community outreach of late, with a swathe of new hires and a “reboot” of its online engagement initiatives. Now things are stepping up a gear. The new Ubuntu Summit sounds like it will channel the vibe of the original Ubuntu Developer Summit, the twice-yearly fixture that was, to be totally frickin’ […]

Read: Ubuntu Brings Back Its Iconic Developer Summit
131 views16:09
2022-04-24 16:37:14
Handy Linux terminal commands for beginners

1. Accessing the help pages
Here are two ways to view the help or manual page of any Linux command.
a. man command – Manual
This command is used to view the user manual page for any Linux command.
Syntax: man [command]
To run it simply type man f...

Read: https://jwelbeck.hashnode.dev/handy-linux-terminal-commands-for-beginners
249 views13:37
2022-04-24 16:12:38
Apple is a waste of money

Apple is like buying a really crappy android and adding a apple logo to it. Just does not make sense. MacOS is a *nix ripoff. Apple does not care about customers they only want the cash!
You can buy a 600$ Android and get better value for the price....

Read: https://haxi.viw.se/apple-is-a-waste-of-money
264 views13:12