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Последние сообщения 49

2022-04-26 21:34:09
Creating a http server in Linux

Ever wondered where the images on the website is stored, is it on your machine or in the browser. No!!, they are stored in servers or simply Linux based systems running in the cloud. Anyone may wonder why Linux, isn't Windows more fam...

Read: https://hariii.hashnode.dev/server-in-linux
312 views18:34
2022-04-26 21:08:25 Concerns Raised Over The 'New' NTFS Linux Driver That Merged Last Year

Read: https://linux.slashdot.org/story/22/04/26/1749239/concerns-raised-over-the-new-ntfs-linux-driver-that-merged-last-year?utm_source=rss0.9mainlinkanon&utm_medium=feed
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2022-04-26 20:06:50
Self-Hosted Static Homepages: Dashy Vs. Homer

Read: https://www.linuxjournal.com/content/self-hosted-static-homepages-dashy-vs-homer
319 views17:06
2022-04-26 19:07:00
Guia SSD no Linux

SSD no Linux: tudo que você precisa saber e o que precisa esquecer!
SSD são suportados no Linux desde o kernel 2.6.29.
Schedulers e File Systems também suportam os 'discos sólidos' ou 'não-rotacionais' (SSDs) há um bom tempo.
A maioria dos artigos qu...

Read: https://esli.blog.br/guia-ssd-no-linux
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2022-04-26 19:02:22
KDE Plasma 5.25 Adds a Cool Customisation Feature

Most of us know that when it comes to raw customisation potential you can’t beat the KDE Plasma desktop. Whatever you want to do chances are KDE Plasma has a setting, switch, or a toggle for it (and if it doesn’t someone in the community has likely created one). This is as true for aesthetics as it is core functionality. This week the desktop picked up a new “auto accent” colour feature that’ll ship as part of the upcoming KDE Plasma 5.25 release — and it bolsters this desktop’s burgeoning beautification credentials. Android and its Material You aesthetic is able […]

Read: KDE Plasma 5.25 Adds a Cool Customisation Feature
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2022-04-26 18:06:17
transporting and coping files between Linux devices

using the SCP ( Secure Copy Protocol ) we are going to copy and transport files between the devices
let's make new file to transport it to the desktop from the server
and here our file name is blogtest

now we go to the place of the file and do thi...

Read: https://kaay.hashnode.dev/transporting-and-coping-files-between-linux-devices
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2022-04-26 15:57:20
LXD 5.0 LTS is now available

Read: https://ubuntu.com//blog/lxd-5-0-lts-is-now-available
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2022-04-26 13:55:13
What’s new for Raspberry Pi with Ubuntu 22.04 LTS?

Read: https://ubuntu.com//blog/whats-new-for-raspberry-pi-ubuntu-22-04-lts
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2022-04-26 12:53:25
How to Rename Files in Linux and MacOS Terminal

Renaming files is something that occurs frequently, and in Linux on terminal, there are many ways to rename files. Let's look at some of the main ways you can rename your files on Linux and other Unix based systems like MacOS.
Linux Commands
If you'r...

Read: https://fjolt.hashnode.dev/how-to-rename-files-in-linux-and-macos-terminal
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2022-04-26 11:41:48 Выпуск мобильной платформы LineageOS 19 на основе Android 12

Разработчики проекта LineageOS, пришедшего на смену CyanogenMod, представили выпуск LineageOS 19, основанный на платформе Android 12. Отмечается, что ветка LineageOS 19 достигла паритета по функциональности и стабильности c веткой 18, и признана готовой для перехода для формирования первого релиза. Сборки подготовлены для 41 модели устройств.

Читать: https://www.opennet.ru/opennews/art.shtml?num=57086
286 views08:41