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Let's talk Existential Kink — Why just BEING can hurt so good | KellyBroganMD

Let's talk Existential Kink — Why just BEING can hurt so good

Black & White thinking leaves little room for Shades Of Gray ( which are so fun to play with tbh) and it can sometimes feel like your skin is being rubbed raw trying to fit onto either side of an imagined duality.

When what you *know* you want is mirrored by what you actually fear.

Wanting a beautiful, loving relationship But being terrified to show up and be accepted as a whole, beautiful, flawed-and-lovelier-for-it human.

Dreaming of a big opportunity While dreading the workload, time demands, and risk of burnout.

Longing to release your inner songstress While fearing rejection, shame, and pain from others.

Your shadow self is always lurking, waiting for a chance to jump out and scare lovingly direct you to the polarities that make existence so f%$#ing uncomfortable.

Link in the bio to get my Faces Of Fierce Femininity so you can own your inner sadist.