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Many argue that there’s a pandemic of dependence on authority, | KellyBroganMD

Many argue that there’s a pandemic of dependence on authority, fear of judgement, and an inability to critically think. But are these human qualities or are we conditioned to disconnect from our own inner compass in service of authoritarian power structures, from birth?

Have you asked yourself where you learned obedience and rule-following as a virtue?

Many of us can trace this conditioned behavior back to our childhood, having been raised in hierarchical households and forced to attend rule-based schools where we were punished for deviant individual expression and rewarded for sheepish compliance.

The education system is designed to disconnect us from our own inner drive and interests, and instead, force us to conform to a predetermined path. It's time to break free from this mold and reclaim our own education and self-expression.

Tune in to Episode #1 of Reclamation Radio and join me as I challenge the status quo and question everything we've been taught to believe about education…amongst many other topics
