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#flashbackfriday (Straight, kept hair and all ) Quantum bi | KellyBroganMD

(Straight, kept hair and all )

Quantum biology is beginning to explain how and why our mindset has its impact. Morphic resonance, for example, is the “process whereby self-organising systems inherit a memory from previous similar systems”.

Try it:

Meditate on wellness, on what it would feel like to be finally free and and ease in yourself, your mind, your heart.

What would your body look like? Your skin, your hair, your eyes, your muscle tone?

What would your mind say to you in this well state?

What would your heart feel - peace? Joy? Love?

Where is the energy most intense in your body when you are well? Is it rising up and out? Localized somewhere?

What does the energy around you feel like? Light? Safe? Clear?

Feel all of this, now. Feel it as though it has happened and you are already there in the experience of your wellness. Focus less on the outcomes (resolved symptoms, etc) and more on the feeling that those outcomes might afford.

In the end, it’s a feeling that we want, it’s not a set of conditions, so get straight to the core of your desires and live it into reality.

End the war with yourself.
