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Tomorrow, I'm flying off (улетать) to Saint Petersburg with my | Алёна Судник 🇬🇧

Tomorrow, I'm flying off (улетать) to Saint Petersburg with my boy, Alex, for a fortnight (две недели).

1. I need to tie up loose ends (завершить незавершенные дела) with all the paperwork that has been hanging over my head (висят на мне (на моей голове)) for several years.

2. I'm going to catch up with (встретиться с) my loved ones: my mother, grandmother, brother, and friends. It's hard to believe, we haven't seen each other for almost five years... I can't wait to show them Alex!

3. I’m planing to hit (посетить) the museums and theatres, soak up (впитывать) as much culture as possible.