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АРГУМЕНТАЦИЯ В ЭССЕ | WRITING TASK 2 Сегодня разбираем карточ | Let’s IELTS!


Сегодня разбираем карточку из Writing Task 2 и подбираем классные примеры. Рубрика здорово прокачивает ваш кругозор, что важно и для секции Speaking.

Some people think that only the government can make significant changes in society, while others think that individuals can have a lot of influence.
What is your opinion?

В карточке две точки зрения, поэтому разбиваем Body (основную часть) эссе на два абзаца:

почему ответственность за изменения в обществе лежит на государстве,
как каждый отдельный человек может сделать общество лучше.


Topic sentence: To begin with, the government has the authority to bring considerable reforms in society by enforcing laws and regulations.

Argument: The presence of political power allows the state to promptly introduce innovations into social life.

Example: To illustrate, during the 1960s President Lyndon Johnson unveiled his "Great Society'' program aimed at eliminating poverty and illiteracy all over America and raising the standard of medical care, education, and urban infrastructure. During this period, authorities were efficiently allocating federal funds for special education schemes in slum areas, including help in paying for books and transport, while financial aid was also provided for slum clearances and rebuilding city areas.

Concluding sentence: This example reinforces the fact that a proper and well-elaborate political commitment largely contributes to the well-being and happiness of citizens.


Topic sentence: Alternatively, many people feel a sense of commitment to their country and are actively involved in activities to improve the quality of life there.

Additional information: Since social media has brought a revolution in the provision of citizen rights, people are capable of raising their voice with the help of the internet and being a part of the decision-making process in an indirect fashion.

Argument: Not only are they able to respond to the injustice that is being done, but also to bring up the awareness of the struggle and thus, to contribute to the changes from the top.

Example: For instance, within the Black Lives Matter movement, many high-profile names have expressed their views on this matter, including Anna Kendrick, Selena Gomez, and Queen Elizabeth II. After people started globally mobilizing campaigns on social media, massive protests against the government broke out and subsequently led to large-scale reformations in American police and education.

Concluding sentence: This example proves that every individual has the potential to provide advancement in society by being actively involved in social activities and manifesting one's civic engagement.

#IELTSwriting #InAnyDispute