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Логотип телеграм канала @gentelmantg — Gentelman
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Язык: Русский
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The Channel for Real Men
Etiquette and behavior - our calling card
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Последние сообщения

2022-08-24 14:00:06
Create a deficit of yourself

To make people feel the lack of your presence, try not to appear in the same company too often.

Constant presence gives the impression that you will not disappear anywhere. Because of this, you begin to depreciate.

But as soon as you disappear somewhere, people will try to please you in every possible way to win your attention.
731 views11:00
2022-08-23 16:00:07
Signs that you are more attractive than you think

Remember the situation when you were 100% confident in your appearance, waiting for the attention of others, but as a result you did not wait for the pleasantries.

Human psychology is designed so that when we see a charming person or a nice young man, we can't even think that this person suffers from low self-esteem.

As a rule, such people are not complimented, because we think that they already know how good they look without us.
984 views13:00
2022-08-17 17:00:08
Be responsible for your actions

If you've done something, you should always be able to take responsibility. Imagine a situation where programmer Tom was late for work. Most likely, he will begin to justify himself and say that it is not his fault.

Such attempts to justify themselves look pathetic and unconvincing. If you did something wrong, just admit the mistake. Others will understand that you are a confident and self-sufficient person who is ready to take responsibility. Due to this, no one will blame you for a mistake.
1.7K views14:00
2022-08-09 15:00:12
Facial expression

If a person is lying, his speech does not match the facial expression or emotions do not manifest synchronously.

For example, he says that he is very pleased, but the smile on his face appears a few seconds earlier or later than these words.
2.3K views12:00
2022-08-05 14:00:11
Do you want to emerge victorious from the conflict?

Use this rule! In all conflicts, the winner is the one who managed to stay more than the other in a clear mind. After all, it is this advantage that will give a person a chance to manipulate another.

Therefore, my friend, you need to get ahead of the person and make him throw out all the energy before you. How to do it?

The easiest way is to constantly interrupt a person in the middle of a word. You'd be surprised how quickly it can squeeze all the energy out of a person and make him just burn with injustice.
2.5K views11:00
2022-08-03 17:00:07
Psychological tricks

In order not to get attached to people, try to think less about them. Don't build a future with them and never tell your real identity.

In order for a person to be interested in you, don't talk a lot, behave as if you are hiding something, don't talk, be silent anymore and just maintain a dialogue.

Never show your disadvantages, a person is inclined to remember all the bad things, break the system.
2.1K views14:00
2022-07-31 14:00:04
There are no errors

All people think that mistakes are something bad, but this is not the case at all.

Mistakes are lessons. If you analyze mistakes and draw conclusions, then I congratulate you. There are only 3% of people like you.

If you have a life goal, you will definitely achieve it, mistakes are the lessons through which you learn. The main thing is to draw conclusions.
2.2K views11:00
2022-07-30 14:00:09
Performance technique

Reading a speech from a sheet with downcast eyes does not cause any response from listeners.

Use the LS technique:
Look and Say mentally.

Read part of the text, then look up and make a speech. Use this method throughout the performance.
1.9K views11:00
2022-07-29 14:00:10
How to manipulate correctly?

Patting a person on the shoulder and looking into their eyes is an effective way to make the object of manipulation more open to you.

Psychological protection will weaken, due to which various tricks will bring quite a strong result.
1.8K views11:00
2022-07-28 16:00:12
A phrase that spoils authority

If you often say "I don't know", your authority will greatly decrease in the eyes of others.

The first thing people will think is that you absolutely don't care about them, so you don't want to strain your brains a little and give some kind of answer.

Secondly, you are an indecisive person who is afraid to express his position.
1.7K views13:00