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Пример подстройки пары по статусу: Арчибальд чуть выше классом | Lemix

Пример подстройки пары по статусу: Арчибальд чуть выше классом, но скромняга, бывший учитель истории, не привыкший к нерабочему общению в принципе, поэтому Айви ему больше подошла, чем дама его уровня, которой было бы его маловато:

The longer she talked to Archibald, the more convinced Bottle grew that Ivy was the answer to his prayers. She categorized him as a Gentleman For Here or slightly lower who could meet a Near Lady, someone a bit lower class than him.

He lacked the presence, the income, the poise, the tastes of a full-blown GFH – any Lady For Here would probably find him too shy, too lacking in ambition, living in too sparse a style in an unfashionable neighbourhood.

Ivy, a Near Lady, had all the qualities poor Archibald needed, and Bottle was full of optimism as she arranged for them to meet.

Bottle was right. The first reports from both Ivy and Archibald were touchingly grateful, for they found in each other a kindred spirit: modest, self-effacing, unassuming, and giddy with the desire to love and be loved. They met in the evenings, went to concerts and plays and talks, and on weekend outings.