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​#EPAM_English Interview in English. Tips and tricks A com | EPAM Training Center


Interview in English. Tips and tricks

A common practice in the tech sphere is to check the English level of a future employee. Some companies expect you to speak it during the whole interview, and others ask you to have small talk. How to stay calm and confident in such cases?

Our recruiters shared advice for beginners

Study possible questions and typical answers

In any job interview, you will be asked mostly the same questions. For example: where did you study, do you have any experience, and what are your strengths. Think about how you can respond beforehand.

Learn field-oriented vocabulary

Study the professional vocabulary and check the pronunciation of terminology to show your dedication and readiness to discuss the theme in detail.

Pull yourself together

Missed the question? Ask your interviewer to repeat. Don't know the correct answer? Don't be silent. Tell at least something related to the topic.

Use simple words and sentences

Try not to learn grammar constructions above your English level on purpose before the meeting, because you will probably forget them. If you feel insecure, you'd better use simple phrases to be easily understood.

Hold an improvised interview

Ask your friend or a family member to interview you and record it. This is a helpful hack to improve your pronunciation and correct mistakes.

Save this post to be perfectly prepared for upcoming interviews