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Human skin is tough enough to WITHSTAND the vacuum of space | Английские слова

Human skin is tough enough to WITHSTAND the vacuum of space
Человеческая кожа достаточно прочна, чтобы ВЫДЕРЖАТЬ космический вакуум

Withstand — выдерживать, противостоять, переносить, сопротивляться

How to remember:
With + Stand — стоять с (чем-то)

Synonyms: fight, oppose, buck, defy

Antonyms: bow, capitulate, give in, submit

V2 withstood

I tried to withstand spreading of obnoxious rumors about me.
We must withstand the debris falling.
Our computer withstood some extreme glitches.
I'm pretty good at withstanding pain.
This fabric can withstand steam and high temperatures.
