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I don't think A Christmas Story is a particularly good movie, | Английские слова

I don't think A Christmas Story is a particularly good movie, and I've honestly never liked it.
As a child, I found it boring and OBNOXIOUS.
Я не думаю, что Рождественская история-это особенно хороший фильм, и, честно говоря, он мне никогда не нравился.
В детстве мне это казалось скучным и НЕПРИЯТНЫМ.

Obnoxious — неприятный, отвратительный, несносный, надоедливый, оскорбительный

Synonyms: unpleasant, disgusting, nasty, insulting, annoying


Some teenagers were being obnoxious and loud.
It was obnoxious of you to do that on the funeral.
She's feeling low after he said her some obnoxious thing to her.
Smoking is extremely obnoxious habit.
This rot on the wall looks obnoxious and spoils it.
