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Rest Your Fingers, Try Google Docs Voice Typing Voice Typing | Enter in IT

Rest Your Fingers, Try Google Docs Voice Typing

Voice Typing
allows you to write, edit, and navigate your document by speaking instead of using . You don't have to compose in English - choose from dozens of languages!

How to Use Google Docs' Voice Typing On :
Log into your Google account in the Google Chrome browser (voice Typing requires Chrome).

Open a Google Docs file.

Tools > Voice Typing.

Click the microphone to start using your voice to type. Speak clearly! When you're done, click the microphone again or say "Stop listening".

Using Google Docs on a , use the built-in speech-to-text functionality.

To add punctuation, just say: Period, Comma, Exclamation point, Question mark, Open quote/end quote, New line,
New paragraph.

Commands you can use: Go to/Move to end of line/paragraph/document;
Scroll up/down;
Delete (deletes the word immediately before the cursor);
Select word or phrase;
Select all;
Select next/last character;
Select line.
