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How a Double VPN Can Keep Your Activity More Private Online M | Enter in IT

How a Double VPN Can Keep Your Activity More Private Online

Most VPN providers use a single remote server through which they encrypt your internet traffic. A double VPN sends your traffic through 2 remote servers by chaining them together (a double layer of encryption is achieved).

There are a number of services that also offer a double VPN option, including NordVPN and ProtonVPN (free!).

Should Everyone Use a Double VPN?

. For those who use the internet for fairly typical purposes (to stream video content, shop, visit social media platforms, or similar) a double VPN isn't really required.

If you're trying to avoid government surveillance, conduct journalistic research anonymously, or need to tightly protect your online sources, a double VPN could work well for you.

A double VPN can take more of a toll on your internet speed than a standard VPN.

If your online circumstances require an additional layer of security, a double VPN can be a great option for you.
