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The top of the high claw sharpener - is my favorite place In t | British Cat Aristocrat

The top of the high claw sharpener - is my favorite place In the house. Here is my own cat shelf. I can lie and watch everyone from that height. I like to inspect my property, noticing the shortcomings that need to be corrected. For example, that bottle should not stand on the bedside table, it will be better on the floor. But now I am thinking about something else. Crude leather bags have called me a brazen thief. I have tried to eat a slice of pizza on the table. Does that make me a brazen thief? I care about what food they eat. Ungracious people! I need to come up with a plan for cat revenge.

Claw sharpener = когтеточка
Watch everyone from that height = наблюдать за всеми с высоты
Brazen thief = наглый воришка
Ungracious = неблагодарный