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Книги на Английском | Аудиокниги

Логотип телеграм канала @english_books_tg — Книги на Английском | Аудиокниги К
Логотип телеграм канала @english_books_tg — Книги на Английском | Аудиокниги
Адрес канала: @english_books_tg
Категории: Лингвистика
Язык: Русский
Страна: Россия
Количество подписчиков: 43.04K
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Главный админ (по рекламе) - @vlada_storiesmeiker и @EngByEar
Менеджеры: @olesia_by_pesni, @antoniii_kluchevni, @cvasha

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Последние сообщения 85

2021-04-27 18:08:12 Друзья, представляем подборку отличных каналов достойных вашего внимания:

@Fathersragepodcast – английские мини мини аудио-уроки in English. Учим полезные фразочки и умную грамматичку. 1 аудио-урок в день.

@optimizatr – это клуб единомышленников, которые хотят избавить себя от главной цели жизни - постоянного зарабатывания денег
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2021-04-26 19:30:00
The Legend of Johnny Appleseed
George Gibson


In adolescence, Johnny worked as a missionary and brought many Indians to Christianity. At the age of 26, he saw an angel in a dream. The angel ordered him to go throught America and plant apple seeds. This seemed a good deed to him. He took a large bag of apple kernels, a Bible, and Aesop's Fables. That was all Johny needed on the way.

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2021-04-26 16:10:00 I have no _____ (я понятия не имею)
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2021-04-26 14:46:00
Hampton House
Jenny Dooley


Kathy meets Miss Emily, who tells her a story about Lord Hampton's house. This house was famous by reach and well-known parties arranging there. Miss Emily worked there many years ago when she was young. In her memories the servants of Lord Hampton were always hungry. However he didn’t take any care of them.

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2021-04-26 12:39:29 Give me the ____ of it (Говори по сути)
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2021-04-25 20:50:00
The Prestige
Christopher Priest


The protagonists are acclaimed 19th century stage magicians. The two talented men turn from partners into sworn enemies. Each of them will do anything to learn the secrets behind the magic tricks of his rival. So the main characters spend their lives trying to destroy each other. Finally, all the secrets are revealed. With its high tension, endless plot twists and provoking themes, this novel is rightfully considered one of the best modern books.

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2021-04-23 13:50:00
The Glorious Pacific Way
Epeli Hauofa


In the South Pacific, folk tales, legends and stories are not forgotten. In the modern world, such stories lost their value, but not in Ole's house. The guy loves these folk tales and writes them down to save for the next generations. Once Ole felt that God wanted him to go on writing.

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2021-04-22 20:21:00
The Bronte Story
Tim Vicary


This book is about the greatest English writers-sisters of the 19th century, whose novels were a sensation. Their books were admitted as the classic English literature. They did not have any special education in this area, but still they achieved a huge success. But fate was not benevolent to them. The biography of famous sisters Charlotte, Emily and Ann has a significant mark in the literature.

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2021-04-21 15:07:00
The pit and the pendulum
Edgar Allan Poe


A man is in a room without light. He attempted to figure out his rooms shape, and ended up almost falling down a pit. He has ended up strapped to a table with a big pendulum holding a giant blade that was slowly descending. In order to save himself, he took the beef they have allowed him to have as a last meal, and smothered his bindings in their juices, prompting the rats to eat them.

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2021-04-21 13:01:00
«Если ты не знаешь английский, то ты не знаешь программирование!»

Об этом знал Стив Джобс, Билл Гейтс, Марк Цукерберг и Илон Маск. Они добились успеха, потому что получали информацию из первоисточников на английском языке.

@english_easily — это твой источник пополнения словарного запаса и карьерного роста в качестве востребованного разработчика.

Только технический английский, только прикладные слова и только на канале @english_easily
2.0K views10:01