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2020-08-08 19:01:07 Марафон по фильму The Bucket List

• Уровень Pre-Intermediate и выше
• Вам надоело зубрить английский, хочется более легкий подход
• Вы хотите изучить живую речь, а не чопорные фразы типа London is the capital of Great Britain
• Для начинающих преподавателей
• Для тех, кто хочет поддерживать и повышать уровень языка

• Начнете понимать английскую речь лучше: начнете различать слова и фразы, улавливать общий смысл и обращать внимание на детали
• Посмотрите классный фильм в оригинале и вдохновитесь английским для продолжения изучения
• Запомните современные и распространённые выражения, не зазубривая их, а выполняя различные интерактивные задания

• Комплекс заданий на аудирование (Listening)
• Задания на лексику (Vocabulary)
• шаблон 'priority list’
• шаблон 'bucket list’

• Старт 15 августа
• Марафон длится 2 недели + 2 недели у вас остается доступ на платформу для закрепления пройденного материала.
• Все материалы и задания курса расположены на закрытом канале в Telegram (доступ сразу после оплаты).
• Новые задания открываются каждый день: вы смотрите весь фильм, но по частям
• По каждой части вы получаете задание на listening/vocabulary и закрепление пройденного материала
• В конце марафона смотрите весь фильм полностью и всё понимаете!

‘Stand-alone’ (1 участник) 350 грн/1000 руб
‘Me & my friend’ (2 участника) 500 грн/1500 руб

Для участия пишите мне в личные сообщения @EnglishAdvice с пометкой «Хочу в марафон», я вышлю реквизиты для оплаты.

Ps. Смотреть фильмы в оригинале - это круто!
1.4K views16:01
2020-08-08 16:10:05 I’m back to business! – Я снова в деле!

После просмотра фильма “The Bucket List” (кто пропустил, смотрите тут) я занялась setting priorities and sorting out the existing ones.

заданные приоритеты — input priorities
приоритеты списка ожидания — waiting-list priorities
ориентировочные приоритеты — indicative priorities
существующие приоритеты — existing priorities
чередующиеся приоритеты — alternating priorities
определить свои приоритеты — to define one's priorities
изменить приоритеты — to reorder / sort out one's priorities
устанавливать приоритеты — to set priorities
назначать приоритеты — to assign priorities

Пора to set your own priorities, и надеюсь, что изучение английского будет в их числе.
И поэтому предлагаю Вам следующее…
1.5K views13:10
2020-06-21 14:45:00 Bucket List #MovieTime

Тот же эпизод

Carter Do you know that the only dog ever struck by lightening was right here in Egypt?
Edward I wish I’d met you before we were dead. You know technically, we could cross off two items – “see the pyramids” and “witness something majestic”. This is about as majestic as it gets.
Carter Wait till you see my mountain.
Edward Oh, yeah. Your mountain. Still. This ain’t half bad.
Carter You know the ancient Egyptians had a beautiful belief about death. When their souls got to the entrance to heaven, the gods asked them 2 questions; their answers determined whether they were admitted or not.
Edward Ok. I’ll bite. What were they?
Carter Have you found joy in your life?
Edward Huh.
Carter Answer the question.
Edward Me?
Carter Yeah, you.
Edward Answer the question, "Have I found joy in my life?"
Carter Yes.
Edward Yes.
Carter Has your life brought joy to others?
Edward Ah, this type of question, I... I don’t know. I don’t think about how other people gauge ahh….ask them.
Carter I'm asking you.
Edward Fine, fine, let me put it to you this way - after the break up and the ensuing fleecing of the dad, Emily went to live with her mother. You know, you try to stay close, but it gets down to holidays, phone calls, birthday cards, you know. Anyway, Emily goes to college and joins one of her “save the poor people”, “the animals”, whatnot and meets a guy; decides she loves him. Good looking kid. Driven. Smart. But there was something about him. So, when she said they were engaged I told her I was against it. But, being my daughter, naturally, she went ahead and married him anyway. Needless to say, I wasn’t invited to the wedding.
Carter That must have hurt.
Edward You think?
Edward First time he hit her, she came to me. I wanted to bash his brains in. She wouldn’t let me. Said she loved him; said it wasn’t his fault he had had a few drinks, she was the one who picked the fight. Next time it happened she didn’t come to me, the ex told me. Nice to hear her voice again.
Carter What did you do?
Edward What any father would do. I took care of it. I called a guy, who called a guy who handles these kinds of things. Don’t know what he said, don’t know what he did. All I know is he didn’t kill him, and my daughter never heard from him again.
Carter How did she react?
Edward Called me names you wouldn’t believe and worse. Said I was dead to her. I am not proud of everything I did, but I’m pretty sure I’d do it all again. So, if they don’t let me into Egyptian heaven because my daughter hates me, well then I guess that’s just the way it goes.
However, you answer your two questions.
Carter How do we get down from this tomb?
2.7K views11:45
2020-06-21 14:30:06 Bucket List #MovieTime

Тот же эпизод с Vocabulary list & Script

Vocabulary list
lightning: молния
cross off: вычеркнуть
witness: свидетель
ancient: древний
I’ll bite: сдаюсь, я заинтригован
joy: радость
gauge: измерять, оценивать
put it to you: обьяснять
break up: расходиться, разводиться
ensuing: следствие
fleecing: обирать, вымогать, разводить на деньги
get down: браться (за что-то)
driven: решительный
bash: сильно ударить; выступать с обвинениями
pick the fight: намеренно начать бой
take care of: заботиться (о ком-то, чем-то)
1.8K views11:30
2020-06-21 10:01:46
1.8K views07:01
2020-06-21 10:01:14 Bucket List #MovieTime

Let's try to watch a longer episode

lightning: a flash of bright light in the sky that is produced by electricity moving between clouds or from clouds to the ground
cross off: to remove someone or something, such as a name, from a list by drawing a line through it
witness: a person who sees an event happening, especially a crime or an accident
ancient: of or from a long time ago, having lasted for a very long time
I’ll bite: we say this when someone has made a statement that begs someone to ask for more information; it is referencing a fish “biting” bait
joy: great happiness
gauge: to calculate an amount, especially by using a measuring device
put it to you: explain
break up: if a marriage breaks up or two people in a romantic relationship break up, their marriage or their relationship ends
ensuing: consequence
fleecing: to take someone's money dishonestly, by charging too much money or by cheating them
get down: to start to direct your efforts and attention towards something
driven: someone who is driven is so determined to achieve something or be successful that all of their behaviour is directed towards this aim
bash: informal to hit hard
pick the fight: to intentionally start a fight
take care of: to protect someone or something and provide the things that that person or thing needs

1.8K views07:01
2020-06-20 21:30:18 ​​Bucket List #MovieTime

I'll bite - сдаюсь, я заинтригован

Still, this ain't half bad. You know, the ancient Egyptians had a beautiful belief about death. When their souls got to the entrance to heaven, the gods asked them two questions. Their answers determined whether they were admitted or not.
Okay, I'll bite.

Все равно, тут даже достаточно прикольно. Ты знаешь, у древних Египтян была хорошая вера о смерти. Когда их души попадали в в рай, боги спрашивали у них два вопроса. Их ответы определяли примут их в рай или нет.
Окей, я заинтригован (сдаюсь)

1.5K views18:30
2020-06-20 21:00:31 ​​Bucket List #MovieTime

⁠get chippy - кричать, устраивать концерты

You sh!t.
Why don't you worry about your life, and let me worry about mine, okay?
Okay, okay! You don't have to get chippy with me.

Ты кусок де!ма.
Если ты не паришься о своей жизни, тогда дай мне попариться о моей, окей?
Хорошо, хорошо. Ты не должен кричать на меня.
1.5K views18:00
2020-06-16 18:45:05 ​​Are bucket lists always a good thing?

Have you always wanted to learn to dance the tango, do a magic trick, or skydive? If so, perhaps you need a bucket list – a list of all the things you want to do before you die. A list might sound great but they’ve also been accused of limiting the imagination by encouraging people to follow someone else’s idea of the perfect life. Neil and Sam discuss the subject and teach you some useful vocabulary.

Linda Blair, clinical psychologist
I’m not really in favour of bucket lists. There are a couple of reasons. Most of all, you’re kind of fooling yourself with a bucket list. We fear death, more than I think we fear anything else in our existence, because we can’t predict it, and because we don’t know what it’s like because nobody comes back and tells us. And when you create a bucket list – something to do before you ‘kick the bucket’, the idea that you’re giving yourself is that you can somehow control when and what death is going to be all about. We only make sense of our lives at the end of it. A bucket list takes you away from the chance to be spontaneous and I think it’s so delicious to be able to say, ‘that’s an opportunity? – oh, I’ll do that!’

Vocabulary list:
bucket list
- a list of all the things you want to do before you die
comfort zone - a situation where you feel safe and comfortable and where your ability is not being tested
empowerment - process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling your life
fooling yourself - trying to make yourself believe something that you know is not really true; deceiving yourself
‘kick the bucket’ - an informal way to say, ‘die’
spontaneous - doing something in a natural, impulsive or sudden way based without any planning or premeditation
329 views15:45