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You can think of Connect.Club as of TV 2.O. If Clubhouse crea | Fedor Sokolov is typing...

You can think of Connect.Club as of TV 2.O.
If Clubhouse created a new blockchain radio - at Connect.Club we are making one step further allowing everyone to monetize their talent of creating events that the world should see. Our virtual world will be helping likeminds around the world to find each other not to just talk, but to DO THINGS together.

Helping many successful companies in the global growth stage (they were coming to me as ELK students) taught me a lot about the necessary steps to build high-functioning teams.
I believe the first most important thing here is: alignment.
Every member of the team should share the companies vision, understand the OKRs and be really excited about the contribution that she’s making every day.
With this in mind I went to Dubai to lead the category design workshop for Connect.Club’s executive team.
How did it go? Amazing!
I will tell you more in my future stories

PS: Connect.Club is invite only as we are building a community of the most inspiring people. Please comment or DM me if you want an invite.