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Exotic destinations you may not have thought about ⠀ Is Urug | Экспаты - Поступление Зарубеж

Exotic destinations you may not have thought about

Is Uruguay worthy of being called Latin American Switzerland?

Uruguay is considered one of the most democratic, corruption-free, safe and rich countries in the Latin American region. It is bordered by Brazil and Argentina.

It holds the 28th spot in the 2022 passport ranking, allowing its citizens travel to 153 countries without having to make a special visa

Language - Spanish
Population of the country - 3,5 - 4 million people
Average salary - $700-1000 per month.


The climate is really nice and there is an ocean. Average temperature of July is between 10 and 12 degrees and 22-24 °C in January.
Sufficiently stable economy, as well as the local currency - peso. Democracy.
High level of safety, comparing with other countries of the Latin America.
Quality food: meat, fruits, vegetables etc.
Developed sports infrastructure, plenty of soccer fields
You don’t need to pass exams like Spanish or the national history to get a residence permit
Dual citizenship is allowed

Have you thought about moving to Uruguay or at least traveling there?
