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EducationUSA Almaty

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Логотип телеграм канала @educationusa_almaty — EducationUSA Almaty
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Деятельность центра осуществляется при поддержке Государственного Департамента США.
Алматы, 20А ул.Казыбек Би, 3 этаж
7 (727) 291-92-26 вн.110
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Последние сообщения 6

2022-04-26 10:07:10
Час Онлайн Консультаций для программ Бакалавриата, Магистратуры и PhD.

Каждый вторник консультант EducationUSA будет отвечать на ваши вопросы в прямом эфире. Вы можете задать вопросы по образованию в США включая подготовку к поступлению в вузы, процесс поступления, сроки, виды финансовой помощи для международных студентов и процесс подачи на студенческую визу.

Время: 26 апреля с 16:00 до 17:00 (время Алматы)
Ссылка для регистрации: https://bit.ly/3kcYBpi
* Зарегистрированные участники вебинара получат ссылку для онлайн встречи и пароль на почту 30 минут до начала вебинара.
Вопросы: dnakeyeva@educationusa.org

323 views07:07
2022-04-25 11:08:30
Dear High School Students, Parents, and Counselors,

EducationUSA Kazakhstan invites you to attend a meeting with Aray Beisenabayeva, a high school student admitted to the University of Southern California, University of Notre Dame, Trinity College,Reed College, and the University of British Columbia. She was offered full-ride scholarships at all these institutions. Hear her story and learn more about the resources she used.

Register for the series of webinars brought to you by EducationUSA Advisers in Kazakhstan:

Register once for all events and save the dates in your calendars. You will receive a confirmation immediately. If you have not received a ZOOM invitation, check the spam folder or repeat your registration with the correct email address.

Questions: ruzakova@educationusa and dnakeyeva@educationusa.org

#notredame #trinitycollege #usc #ubc #reed
364 views08:08
2022-04-22 09:17:01
Dear High School Students, Parents, and Counselors,

Sign up for the meeting with Ramazan Zhetpisbayev, a high school student admitted with the full-ride scholarships to Northwestern University in Qatar. Ramazan will share his experience and strategies in the college application process, talk about his honors and extracurricular activities and how to best describe them, provide resources, tips, and recommendations, and talk about some mistakes he wishes he had avoided.

April 22, 7 pm Northwestern University in Qatar, Ramazan Zhetpisbayev, Full-ride

Register for the series of webinars brought to you by EducationUSA Advisers in Kazakhstan:
Register once for all events and save the dates in your calendars.

Questions: ruzakova@educationusa.org and dnakeyeva@educationusa.org

486 views06:17
2022-04-18 08:22:45
Dear High School Students, Parents, and Counselors,

Sign up for the meeting with Arman Rysmakhanov, a high school student admitted with the full-ride scholarships to three highly competitive US colleges: Williams College, Wesleyan University, and Colgate University. Arman will share his experience, and resources, and talk about some mistakes that he wished he avoided during the process.

April 18, 7pm #WilliamsCollege, #WesleyanUniversity, #ColgateUniversity, Arman Rysmakhanov, Full-ride

Register for the series of webinars brought to you by EducationUSA Advisers in Kazakhstan:
Register once for all events and save the dates in your calendars. You will receive a confirmation immediately. If you have not received a ZOOM invitation, check the spam folder or repeat your registration with the correct email address.

Questions: ruzakova@educationusa.org and dnakeyeva@educationusa.org
523 views05:22
2022-04-18 07:44:14 Дорогие друзья!
Мы рады поделиться с вами нашим расписанием на 18 - 22 апреля 2022 года.
Место проведения: ОНЛАЙН (ZOOM платформа работает на всех устройствах: телефонах, планшетах, компьютерах)
Все активные ссылки в шапке профиля.
* Зарегистрированные участники вебинара получат ссылку для онлайн встречи и пароль на почту 30 минут до начала вебинара.

Online webinar: «How to get into Williams College, Wesleyan University, and Colgate University» by Arman Rysmakhanov.
Event Timing: April 18, 19:00 (Almaty time)
Registration link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYpfu-gqT0rHtLOEydcpqtx8wC6ravd68BY
Questions: ruzakova@educationusa.org and dnakeyeva@educationusa.org

Час Онлайн Консультаций для программ Бакалавриата, Магистратуры и PhD.
Время: 19 апреля с 16:00 до 17:00 (время Алматы)
Ссылка для регистрации: https://bit.ly/3OiEx2H
* Зарегистрированные участники вебинара получат ссылку для онлайн встречи и пароль на почту 30 минут до начала вебинара.
Вопросы: ruzakova@educationusa.org

Online webinar: «How to get into Princeton and Northwestern University» by Zhangir Murat.
Event Timing: April 20, 19:00 (Almaty time)
Registration link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYpfu-gqT0rHtLOEydcpqtx8wC6ravd68BY
Questions: ruzakova@educationusa.org and dnakeyeva@educationusa.org

Online webinar: «How to get into Tufts University» by Sabina Saktaganova.
Event Timing: April 21, 19:00 (Almaty time)
Registration link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYpfu-gqT0rHtLOEydcpqtx8wC6ravd68BY
Questions: ruzakova@educationusa.org and dnakeyeva@educationusa.org

Online webinar: «How to get into Northwestern University in Qatar» by Ramazan Zhetpisbayev.
Event Timing: April 22, 19:00 (Almaty time)
Registration link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYpfu-gqT0rHtLOEydcpqtx8wC6ravd68BY
Questions: ruzakova@educationusa.org and dnakeyeva@educationusa.org

1.0K views04:44
2022-04-18 07:44:10
347 views04:44
2022-04-14 12:39:22
Dear High School Students, Parents, and Counselors,

Please join us to learn more about Financial Aid opportunities for international students at U.S. colleges and universities. During the webinar, you will learn about the types of scholarships and grants for undergraduate programs, requirements and eligibility, deadlines, forms, and applications to submit.

The webinar is held as part of Admission to Selective U.S. universities and Success Stories of Admitted Students Blog.

Register for the series of webinars brought to you by EducationUSA Advisers in Kazakhstan: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYpfu-gqT0rHtLOEydcpqtx8wC6ravd68BY
Register once for all events and save the dates in your calendars. You will receive a confirmation immediately. If you have not received a ZOOM invitation, check the spam folder or repeat your registration with the correct email address.

Questions: ruzakova@educationusa and dnakeyeva@educationusa.org
591 views09:39