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EducationUSA Almaty

Логотип телеграм канала @educationusa_almaty — EducationUSA Almaty E
Логотип телеграм канала @educationusa_almaty — EducationUSA Almaty
Адрес канала: @educationusa_almaty
Категории: Образование
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 1.89K
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Деятельность центра осуществляется при поддержке Государственного Департамента США.
Алматы, 20А ул.Казыбек Би, 3 этаж
7 (727) 291-92-26 вн.110
Skype: educationusaalmaty

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Последние сообщения 3

2022-06-13 15:36:38
Dear students,

Join us for an in-person presentation to learn about a Holistic Approach and the reason selective US colleges use it; What application components are essential to the US colleges, where to check it; Which deadline to choose for the application, etc.

Date and timing: June 14, 18:00 (Almaty time)
Location: Almaty American Space (280 Baizakov Str., Smart Point)

Registration link: https://bit.ly/3mMZ8zq
Questions: dnakeyeva@educationusa.org
215 views12:36
2022-06-10 08:18:15
Dear students,

On 20th of June we are starting our “Graduate Cohort” online course

Don’t miss your chance to learn about citation styles and academic purpose, sharpen your comprehensive reading and critical thinking skills, and create a network of graduate students in different fields.

Register today following the link: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=DwmHHIIIz0G5qBp8WUSC-doaQYH79vlDt6ooJOM1SQlUMzhBUVlWUDJJVUY3S1hWMjgyQVpSS0Q2Ri4u
671 views05:18
2022-06-09 07:59:02
#ScholarshipAlert: Thinking about completing a master’s degree next spring? Check out the University of New Haven, which offers the Dean’s Scholarship!

Full-time master’s students are selected after a careful application review on the basis of academic merit. The program provides up to 50% tuition assistance during your enrollment.

Learn more https://bit.ly/UNewHaven
157 views04:59
2022-06-06 10:33:00
“God gave you a voice. Use it.” -Elizabeth Bonker, 2022 Rollins College valedictorian and disability activist

On #NationalHigherEducationDay, we share the words of an extraordinary 2022 graduate: Elizabeth Bonker. Not only has Elizabeth graduated at the top of her class, but has done so while living with non-speaking autism. Elizabeth founded a nonprofit organization, Communication 4 ALL, to help remove barriers for other non-speaking autistic students.

We’re inspired by Elizabeth and all students with disabilities who use their talents to change the world.

Learn more about Elizabeth https://www.rollins.edu/college-of-liberal-arts/news/raising-her-voice.

If you have a disability, find resources to study in the United States https://educationusa.state.gov/resources-students-disabilities.
217 views07:33
2022-06-02 21:00:26
Dear prospective undergraduate and graduate students,

Congratulations on being admitted to US universities! Maximize your time in college and get career ready with Dina Zhanybekova, a UPenn student.

This session will also benefit you if you are applying this year because you will learn about US education and UPenn.

You will learn:

- How to maximise your time beyond coursework (experimenting, being intentional, developing
transferable skills, pursuing passions, getting involved, mascot, college spirit, sports, teams)
- Networking
- Internship Opportunities (CPT/OPT)
- Create and Build Your Profile/ Resume
- Interview Skills
- Self-management, time management, money management

June 3 (Friday), 7:30 pm Almaty time
Format: online on ZOOM

Register here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSev9irAoEmMRpldsSDpGNkR0tqYs4J-iyNJUayr9Oi21eBNtg/viewform


Questions: dnakeyeva@educationusa.org or ruzakova@educationusa.org
283 views18:00
2022-06-01 15:40:06
Dear prospective undergraduate and graduate students,

Congratulations on being admitted to US universities! This is a big step in your life, but now you are stepping into a new chapter. Adiya Tashmetova, a University of Georgia student, will help you get ready for your first year in the US.

You will learn about:
Support for International Students;
American Classroom Culture;
Selecting and Registering for courses;
Medical Checkups. Health Insurance;
Housing; Money Matters and Banking;
How to overcome homesickness and quickly adapt to American culture

June 2 (Thursday), 7:00 pm Almaty time
Format: online on ZOOM

Register: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSev9irAoEmMRpldsSDpGNkR0tqYs4J-iyNJUayr9Oi21eBNtg/viewform


Questions: dnakeyeva@educationusa.org or ruzakova@educationusa.org
153 views12:40
2022-05-31 09:23:08
Pre-Departure Orientation 2022

Dear prospective undergraduate and graduate students,

Congratulations on being admitted to US universities! We invite you to attend two pre-departure sessions, which will help you adapt to the US campus, maximize your time, and find opportunities and long-term friends.

Please, see the schedule below:

Day 1 - June 2 (Thursday), 7 pm Almaty time

Be College Ready by Adiya Tashmetova, University of Georgia

Day 2- June 3 (Friday), 7:30 pm Almaty time

Be Career Ready by Dina Zhanybekova, Upenn

Register here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSev9irAoEmMRpldsSDpGNkR0tqYs4J-iyNJUayr9Oi21eBNtg/viewform


Questions: dnakeyeva@educationusa.org or ruzakova@educationusa.org
249 views06:23
2022-05-30 11:50:35
Dear students,

Please join us to learn more about funding opportunities at U.S. colleges and universities for international students.

During this presentation, you will learn:

Need-based and Merit-Based Financial Aid for undergraduate students
Fellowship and Assistantship for the graduate students
Requirements, Eligibility, and Deadlines
CSS Profile and ISFAA Form

You will also have an opportunity to ask questions.

Date: May 31, 6 pm (Almaty time)
Location: American Space (280 Baizakov Str.)

Register here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdGorclIMS0_mG87S3wxVHQxOZ8NMPhLaa0U2FIJv16OCFTbQ/viewform

Questions: dnakeyeva@educationusa.org
399 viewsedited  08:50
2022-05-27 07:50:13
Are you 15-17 years old and dreaming of studying in the United States? Then EducationUSA Academy Connects is for you! This four-week, online program will build your knowledge of U.S. universities and confidence presenting in English.

Do you want to fly through the sky or dream up the future of the aviation industry? Connect with Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University this summer! Embry-Riddle will guide you through virtual workshops about academic English and aviation topics such as general aviation, radio telephony, and human factors. You’ll practice with other students, talk with admission counselors, and receive feedback on an admissions essay.

Learn more about the program https://bit.ly/EmbryRiddleEdUSA.
191 views04:50
2022-05-26 18:29:00
Dear high school students, register for the summer camp by June 8. It's for active and motivated high school students graduating in May 2023/2024 or taking a gap year and applying to the U.S. for Fall 2023. Participation is Free of Charge.
The program is selective.

What is included:
- SAT Prep;
- Essay writing course;
- Supplemental essay writing course;
- Full guide on the Application process;
- Understanding types of Financial aid, eligibility and requirements, and deadlines;
- Application review.

Register here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeOcLH6S4CQrzI-2lU90AaNmKuKkjLhBv8wX2du6EofJXorIg/viewform
639 views15:29