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Проверь себя
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It was a bright, cold day in April and the clocks were striking
thirteen. Winston Smith hurried home to Victory Mansions w i th
his head down to escape the terrible wind. A cloud of dust blew
inside w i th him, and the hall smelled of dust and yesterday's food.
At the end of the hall, a poster covered one wall. It showed an
enormous face, more than a metre wide: the face of a handsome
man of about forty-five, w i th a large, black moustache. The man's
eyes seemed to follow Winston as he moved. Below the face were
Winston went up the stairs. He did not even try the lift. It
rarely worked and at the moment the electricity was switched off
during the day to save money for Hate Week. The flat was on the
seventh floor and Winston, who was thirty-nine and had a bad
knee, went slowly, resting several times on the way. Winston was a
small man and looked even smaller in the blue overalls of the
Party. His hair was fair and the skin on his face, which used to be
pink, was red and rough from cheap soap, old razor blades and
the cold of the winter that had just ended.
Inside his flat, a voice was reading out a list of figures for last
year's production of iron. The voice came from a metal square, a
telescreen, in the right-hand wall. Winston turned it down, but
there was no way of turning it off completely.
He moved to the window.
Outside, the world looked cold.
The wind blew dust and bits of paper around in the street and
there seemed to be no colour in anything, except in the posters
that were everywhere. The face with the black moustache looked
down from every corner. There was one on the house opposite.
BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU, it said, and the eyes
looked into Winston's.