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Damn, English!

Логотип телеграм канала @daamnenglish — Damn, English! D
Логотип телеграм канала @daamnenglish — Damn, English!
Адрес канала: @daamnenglish
Категории: Познавательное
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 3.53K
Описание канала:

Hi, зови меня Ru :] Здесь мы постигаем English через мемы, сленг, идиомы, твои любимые фильмы и what not!
Люди скажут "daaaamn!", услышав твой англ!
Идеи для постов: @DamnEnglish_bot
Автор: @wwordsarewind

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Последние сообщения 2

2022-11-02 19:47:06 Channel name was changed to «fly on the wall | English»
2022-11-02 12:10:55
How loneliness kills (part 2/3)

Loneliness makes you age quicker, cancer deadlier, Alzheimer's advance faster, immune systems weaker.

Loneliness is twice as deadly as obesity and as deadly as smoking a pack of cigarettes a day.

‍ Chronic loneliness clouds one's judgement. It makes one see hostility everywhere and appear more cold, unfriendly, distrustful, self-centered and socially awkward than one really is which leads to more feelings of isolation. Vicious cycle.

to cloud one's judgement – "туманить разум"
hostility – враждебность
to be socially awkward = to be afraid of social interaction
vicious cycle – порочный круг
33 viewsedited  09:10
2022-11-01 22:55:24
Modern loneliness (part 1/3)

The loneliness epidemic started in the late Renaissance fuelled by the Western culture's ideology of individualism and accelerated during the Industrial Revolution.

As time passed closely knit local communities began to dissolve giving way to ever-growing cities. Today we move great distances for jobs, love and education leaving our social net behind.

Most people fall into chronic loneliness unconscientiously. You become busy with work, studies and Netflix until you wake up one day and realise that you feel isolated and yearn for close social bonds.

closely knit – тесно связанные
to dissolve – растворяться, постепенно исчезать
chronic – хронический
unconscientiously – бессознательно
to yearn for (sth) – жаждать (чего-то)
social bonds – социальные связи
34 viewsedited  19:55
2022-10-20 18:36:31
when u have 38 followers, one of them being a bot
41 views15:36
2022-10-17 13:09:29 #concept
Why broad thinkers beat geniuses in the real world?

"Kind" or "wicked" learning environment?

"Specialists" or "generalists"?

What does "lateral thinking with withered technology" concept mean?

Find the answers in this 5-minute video by Big Think on yt.
55 viewsedited  10:09
2022-10-17 12:00:14
to hit it off = to form an immediate, positive connection (with someone) – "поладить", подружиться, найти общий язык

Synonym – to get along (with someone)

Hit it off is usually used to describe what can happen the first time you meet someone.

Get along can also be used in relation to people who've known each other for a long time.
41 viewsedited  09:00
2022-10-15 22:46:43
the right to bear arms – право на ношение оружия
37 views19:46
2022-10-12 09:35:52

on top of that – к тому же, вдобавок ко всему
44 viewsedited  06:35