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How to get rid of unrequited love? Don't spit and think that | Men's club

How to get rid of unrequited love?

Don't spit and think that we are such serious people here, and Black Fox is talking about some snotty teenagers' stories.

There are not many questions, it happens more often on young people, but when unrequited love catches up in adult life, its consequences are often very sad.

Immediately it is important to understand one thesis: the only way to solve such a problem is to forget the person and get rid of feelings for him, no option with peace, love and "died in one day" here will not happen.

It's easy to make recommendations, it's harder to follow them, but it's still better with them than without them:

Stop exalting feelings. Realize (not just read it, but literally chew on this thought) that love is just a chemical process triggered by a unique combination of dopamine, oxytocin, endorphin and serotonin. That's it. No magic at all. In fact, it's a drug: when the person is around you, you get a dose, when you're not, you go into withdrawal. When you stop deifying falling in love, it's much easier to get rid of it.

If we continue from a natural point of view, your main task is to find new sources of replenishment of your depleted unrequited love biochemical state. And first of all look for them in other people. Do not close yourself off: as much as possible socializing with friends, new acquaintances, intrigue, sex, sex and sex again. Different and with different people. This will help.

Don't dive headfirst into work, if it doesn't bring pleasure, it will only make you go even deeper. But it makes sense to devote time to hobbies, travel and absolutely everything that you like and at the same time is not harmful.

Many give in to the impulse and try to stifle unrequited feelings with endless reflection, overexertion, alcohol, or even worse. There is little sense in this: only joy and positivity will help. And where to get them you generally know