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Логотип телеграм канала @catops — CatOps
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Категории: Технологии
Язык: Русский
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DevOps and other issues by Yurii Rochniak (@grem1in) - SRE @ N26 && Maksym Vlasov (@MaxymVlasov) - Engineer @ Star. Opinions on our own.
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Последние сообщения 3

2022-06-23 16:34:02
Great news from AWS Tech Conference #StandWithUkraine!

Dr. Werner Vogels, Chief Technology Officer at Amazon will be our keynote! We’ll have a fireside chat with Dr. Werner on Next-Gen Cloud Computing.

We are also going to discuss scaling AWS Infrastructure, enabling public API in days with AWS Athena, AWS WAF & Firewall Manager, Serverless patterns, IT transformation in multi-cloud era, choosing the right data store and more!

You’ll meet 12 awesome speakers from AWS team, AWS heroes, AWS User Group Leaders and, of course, Ukrainian AWS professionals will share knowledge and experience.

When? June 30
Where? Online

How can you join?
Register for free OR you can buy a charity ticket*.
*All profit will go to Ukrainian charity funds.

Join us & spread the word
It’s going to be AWSome!
788 views13:34
2022-06-23 14:44:15 Today I want to share HashiCorp's official doc about Vault performance tuning.

I know that an official doc is not that impressive as some author's article. However, it contains a lot of useful information. Also, sometimes you have to refer to docs like this one.

Moreover, Vault is not that simple as it seems. For example, many people think that Vault is HA if you have multiple hosts, which is not in fact true, unless you have an enterprise version. Otherwise, it's just an active leader and stand by hosts.

Also, Vault's performance is very dependent on its storage backend. Therefore, tuning can also be related to that. For example, you can tweak max_parallel option if you're using AWS S3 as a backend and hitting AWS API rate limiting.

Also, I would be very glad if you can share some materials about Vault load testing with different storage backends. I've heard that PostgreSQL is the most performant, but I have no data or a research to prove it. Would be nice to read one.

After a super-quick research, I was only able to find this article on how to setup benchmark tests for Vault.

Although, here's a benchmark for Vault's integrated storage

#hashicorp #vault #performance
972 views11:44
2022-06-19 20:44:44 Awesome Cold Showers list is basically a list of counter-arguments to the popular tech beliefs like “Static Typing reduces bugs”, “all the software should’ve developed with Agile methodologies”, “micro service architectures are better in all the cases”.

Obviously, the list is not comprehensive. You can, ofc, extend it with a pull request. However, there are some points you can use in discussions already.

580 views17:44
2022-06-18 13:50:20 Did you know that there’s a database of databases?

You can find various useful information on each DB on that website. I wish you could search this website by features (data model, support for joins, concurrency control, etc.). However, you can only search by name.

P.S. if you want to add a database to the list, you can write this guy.

131 views10:50
2022-06-17 13:59:11 Just like there are road sign books, there are road sign articles. This is the type that provides rather not the answers to particular questions, but avenues to approach those answers.

Here are a couple of such articles on the micro service architecture by the same author:
- Microservice Architecture and its 10 Most Important Design Patterns
- Effective Microservices: 10 Best Practices

Each of these articles provides a list of patterns and good practices that one can use building their architecture. And even though I do not agree with all the statements there, I still believe these are great lists to get yourself familiar with some core concepts and make a personal roadmap if you want learn more about building micro service architectures.

Some of these concepts are gonna be pretty familiar to anyone, who’s working with micro services on a daily basis, but it’s important to revisit core concepts from time to time, because you never know, what have you forgotten.

#architectire #microservices
863 views10:59
2022-06-16 18:18:36 ​​Just got a HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate to be sure that I don't miss anything important.

A quick recap of how I did it:
1. Saw HashiCorp Terraform Associate Certification Course - Pass the Exam! from a guy that learns TF just to be certified and make this course :) On x1.25-x2 speed
(Note: in 1st hour he describe comp. science theory in the worst possible way, confusing the use of terms and their meanings. So better google it, Wikipedia describes them better)
2. Test me by free test at exampro.co/terraform. (Feel free to use 10minutemail.com)
3. Click Register to the exam here, read all articles, add mail that is used as primary in Github to Credly, buy exam, cleanup workspace
4. Fight with PSI Security Browser for half-our before it became happy about working process on a laptop, number of monitors. Record video of the floor, table, whole room, myself... That's why you should start connecting 30 minutes before the exam start.
5. Pass the exam, get a badge on Credly, and email with a passing score.

About exam complexity, from youtube comments:
> Just a heads up, i watched this over 2 days (skipped most of the hands on), and I took the cert today and passed with a 93%. Everything on the test was in this video. I've used terraform maybe once before.

IMHO, that cert can be a plus for Intern/Junior position, but not above. Sadly, still no Professional exam for TF.

#terraform #certification
1.2K viewsedited  15:18
2022-06-15 11:43:52
Hashicorp User Group Kyiv online events
Anonymous Poll
[UA] Робити івенти
[UA] Не на часі
[World] Interested in meetups about Hashicorp products (in eng)
[World] Not interested
174 voters825 views08:43
2022-06-15 11:43:50 (If you don't know Ukrainian, just go to the poll below)

По HUG Kyiv і мітапам: потрібне розуміння що з ними робити.

Маю потенційних англомовних спікерів. CEO SpaceLift що мав виступити ще в березні, і чела що нещодавно написав провайдер і готовий поділитися досвідом.

Питання в наступному: чи є сенс проводити онлайн мітапи під час широкомасштабної війни чи зачекати?

Аргументи за почекати:
* не розпорошувати сили, волонтерство і фронт - це найважливіше.
* І так в багатьох нема сил щось робити а тут ще мітапи.

Аргументи за проводити:
* це все не закінчиться за місяць-два, тому треба інвестувати в професійний ріст (майбутнє) вже зараз, бо це генеруватиме додатковий потік кешу і т.д. і т.п. що нам точно не буде зайвим
* У багатьох повномасштабна війна вже перейшла зі стану шоку у стан "на фоні" (коли ракети не фігачать) або у повсякденність (якщо на передку), тож впринципі можна повертати +- звичні активності

Аргументи і думки на тему прошу в тред, а також проголосуйте в опитуванні нижче, будь ласка
845 views08:43
2022-06-11 14:41:03 A collection of design patterns for Python.

Python is incredibly popular in system operations world. Hope, this collection helps you to use some good practices in your Python scripts and applications.

#python #programming
634 views11:41
2022-06-09 12:16:10 If you’re interested in Pulumi, here’s a tutorial on how to create a Lambda function that sends a daily email with Pulumi.

This is a nice small exercise, if you want to get familiar with the tool. Also, this tutorial uses Python, which is very popular in DevOps-ish circles.

#aws #pulumi #iac
1.1K views09:16